Terms of use

Terms of use

1.  All rangolis have been drawn by me personally. Hence the photos of rangolis in this blog or the free hand designs drawn by me should not be published on the internet through another blog or website or through a book or e-book or through videos or used for any commercial purpose.
This blog has received Copyrights from the Copyright Office, Department of Industry and Industrial Trade , Government of India

2. The  information provided in the blog is not guaranteed  for accuracy or completeness.  I am not an  expert in any field including drafting, writing, blogging, cooking or any other field.  Please use the blog on your free will.

3.  You agree and accept that I shall not be held responsible for any incidental or consequential damages or any other damages arising out of use or wrong use of this blog and any information given in this blog

4. The contents, suitability of  external links from  this blog where given or where they occur are not in my control and hence please use your discretion.   

5. Some rangoli designs drawn by me are also available as e-books. 

6.  All rights reserved

7. By accessing this blog you accept to the terms of use 

8.  Names of some rangoli designs used in Rangolisansdots are there for a long time and  I do not offer any implicit or explicit guarantees for the results of practising or drawing these rangoli / kolam designs

9.  Please go through the privacy policy too. ( Privacy Policy ) 

10. I constantly update and modify posts to make them more user friendly depending upon the feedback I receive. 

11. I use blogger analytics and Google analytics to analyse performance of the blog / posts

12. For videos I use YouTube analytics.