Dhanurmasa gantina rangoli designs

The first rangoli appears to be simple . Appearances can be deceptive. The step shown in the second image can be a bit tricky for some of us. Many sikku kolam are.

9 by 9 chukki rangoli 
                  These designs are ubiquitous during Dhanrumasa in southern part of our country
                  Draw the white rangoli or add colourful borders around if you have space. 
            11 to 1 chukki rangoli step by step 
         An image showing an intermediate step 
            These types of rangoli designs are not only awesome , they also  can challenge us 

If you are looking for 9 pulli sikku kolam , 11-1 sikku kolam you may find the step by step images useful.  Dhanurmasa or Margazhi month between December 15 and January 15 every year is famous of bhajans and rangoli.  

We find beautiful rangoli designs adorning many homes in South India.  I have shared two medium sized kolam designs to be added to our repertoire.