Awesome stencil rangoli ideas for Diwali

How to combine rangoli stencil and free hand rangoli design a unique Diwali decoration ideas

"You are awesome.  It is relaxing to watch you run the kolam.  Made 2 of  your small kolam.  Thanks for sharing "

This is one of the many comments I receive on my Facebook Page Rangoli sans dots.  I belong to the traditional school 

of making rangoli called kolam in Tamil.  Kolam means beauty particularly beauty in symmetry. Drawing traditional kolam 

comes with practice particularly the dexterity part.

Still I have to share some simple techniques for those who want to try this art for the first time. Hence this post

Instead of drawing the designs only with stencils,  after drawing the main design with stencil I have added some patterns 

with rangoli powder .  Hope you will find this simple tip interesting and useful and will try it too. 

Sprinkle colour rangoli  to one half of the stencil and then white or  any other matching colour to the other half. 

 It can  be done horizontally or vertically.  

 The result, the rangoli in the photo or pic below


             We can choose any colour combination , bright colours may be better. This photo shows how                                             different colours are applied to two halves of the stencil.

Then the stencil is removed and the outer design should be drawn using the two colours used for the central rangoli to get symmetry in  colouring


As usual, light diyas around the rangoli , it is the festival of lights.  Free hand patterns should also match the rangoli stencil at the centre.

Using the same trick and tips for making an easy rangoli one more design in the image below
