How to make cotton wicks for diya

 How to make cotton wick / panju thiri / vattalu /Hatti Hirubatti for  Puja at home. The image below shows how to make long wicks that are suitable for lamps that have holes suitable to hold these type.When you buy ask for cotton that is suitable to make wicks.                                  


Dip the fingers in milk and draw the cotton.  We should be able to stretch  without the wick snapping.  We can also use vibuthi or sacred ash .  Take a ball of cotton and draw it into a thin long thread.

Fold the wick using the hand and roll between the palms as shown in the pic below 
Some types of lamps can hold only flower wicks ( puvvu vattalu ).

Again , dip the fingers in milk , stretch the cotton and make the wick as shown below 

This can be used for harathi plate also 

These wicks are available in the market but when we make them ourselves at home,  it gives us a lot of mental satisfaction .  We can ensure that they are of the best quality too.