Bhagyada lakshmi baramma Telugu lyrics

 Welcome  Goddess Lakshmi, Giver of Happiness, please enter
Our Mother, Giver of Supreme Happiness,  welcome
When You take one step at a time, 
Your anklets jingle,
When the pious and saints perform Puja
You appear like ghee from buttermilk        
You shower rains of gold
You fulfill the desires of all ( devotees ) homes
You are as bright as one crore suns 
King Janaka's daughter , quickly ( please enter /welcome )
Give us infinite blessings
Bangles rolling on Your Hands
You wear kumkum on Your Forehead
O! Lotus -eyed
Proud Queen on Lord Venkateswara

Stay forever in the homes of  Your devotees
Giving auspicious occasions and good fortune forever
Saint and pious souls who know the Truth
You are in their thoughts , Golden doll 
Sugar and ghee in our homes ,
When we perform Puja on Friday
He lives on the other side, Lord Ranganatha
He is Lord Vittala , You are his Queen.
Translation of the verses based on little knowledge of Kannada and with the help of relatives who know Kannada.  Hope it is useful 
We can sing this song for Friday Pooja, Varalakshmi Vratham  or Varamahalakshmi Pooja , Navaratri Friday.