Simple rangoli for Margazhi month

We may be looking for easy rangoli for Margazhi due to lack of space , the problem faced in cities or because we are drawing kolam for the first time and  would like to join the month long celebrations of Margazhi known for kolams also. 

 I have shared five simple rangoli .  The 3rd to 5th rangolis are smaller than the previous two.  You may try all for the ensuing season. 1) Beautiful without chukki rangoli 


 2) One more small rangoli without dots 


3) A very small and cute kolam for Margazhi , why not 


This gallery who is for those who get intimidated by big rangoli or who do not have time due to other reasons to draw complex kolam for Dhanurmasam.  We have to follow the tradition of drawing kolam daily in the morning , particularly during Margali.  It can be a small kolam too


One more small pulli illatha kolam 


I will add some more ideas to this collection .  Here is one more of the many images on this website.


If you want small kolam for Margazhi month or Margali kolam small you may try one of these kolangal.