Diwali simple rangoli designs for home

One of the most popular patterns either for the centre design or for expanding the rangoli is the star design. 

 We should have an inventory of patterns that we plan to use when we create a without chukki rangoli design or in other words , free hand rangoli .

This will ensure that various combinations are possible , of course the patterns chosen should match .  The result is the number of rangoli we can create is infinite.  

That is one of the reasons , I have been creating and sharing for the past 10 years.

Another reason is the passion I have for this art . 

I just do not get tired and bored.  Add to it the encouragement and  motivation given by the viewers on social media through their messages, comments and feedback. 

 I am pleasantly surprised that kolam as I call it ( for my mother it was muggulu ) has become so popular. 

Step by step pictures for a star based easy rangoli for the festival


Use of geometric patterns in rangoli .  Two inverted triangles form a star.  A simple way to represent this design.

Traditionally star patterns are drawn with two lines , simultaneously or separately

Nakshatra kolam with decorations 

The images should be self explanatory.  Add colours or kaavi 

I get lots of comments for my rangoli videos on social media.  Many of them move my heart and make feel very blessed 🙏🙏

Here is one of them 

"Sudha Ma'am each and every kolam I see has something unique in it. You are indeed blessed with talent par excellence.  No words to express.  Just repeating the same token of appreciation is far too less.  There is something beyond that which cannot be expressed by words on by a gesture.  I think even those who have not interest or no idea of kolam will be inspired by your art. "

I can only bow to God  🙏🙏 to give me strength and knowledge to continue sharing this simple art