Small rangoli designs for home white kolam

 Small or big is a relative term, we can consider ( up to )  7 dots kolam as small. The first kolam shown in two steps uses 5 by 5 dot pattern.

A collection of white rangoli design , chukki rangoli for our daily kolam to adorn the entrance of our homes.

We draw big rangoli designs for the kolam festival season i.e Dhanrumasam.  My sisters and I with our mother created big rangoli designs with dots or without ( my mother was a specialist in free hand rangoli designs )

No wonder , I am greatly influenced by her and share lots of free hand rangoli .  After several requests from viewers I started sharing chukki rangoli designs also.

I think there will be roughly 50% of each type ( rangoli without dots and rangoli with dots ) in this blog. 

5 pulli kolam in two steps 

This is a 7 by 7 dot rangoli | chukkala muggu

The chukki rangoli in the image below is drawn using  7 by 4 dots
