Friday geethala muggulu chupinchandi

 This is a very simple design with not frills and with only lotus patterns.  Draw on Sukravaram with kaavi powder for decoration , it will look divine . 

The pictures should help learn the steps quickly.

For Sankranthi geethala muggulu , Diwali muggulu designs and New Year rangoli muggulu - we can try this traditional rangoli.

An important rangoli tip for this type of muggulu is that the lines should be as thin as possible. 

 The thinner the lines the more beautiful the design is.

For getting thin lines we should take minimum quantity of muggu pindi.  Also the control between the thumb and index finger matters.

The rangoli powder I use is a mixture of white muggu powder and rice flour in the ratio 3 : 1

Also the most important factor is practice, practice ...Draw the rangoli directly on the floor without the use of a piece of chalk or any other aid.

Symmetry improves with time. 

A bit tricky , I have tried to simplify with these pictures 

Line muggulu are awesome and one of the best rangoli techniques to create designs. 
Lotus designs make is suitable for Sukravaram and Varalakshmi Pooja