chukki rangoli torresi four dots design

 We can create a small and beautiful rangoli when we add patterns inside and outside. The beauty of drawing rangoli lies in the following 1)placing the dots with minimum quantity of rangoli powder which ensures that small dots are obtained . We shouldn't place dots that appear elongated.  

2) Dots should disappear when the pattern appears. This is an important rangoli tip to create beautiful kolam.
 Chukki rangoli small size through pics 
2) Drawing thin lines to connect the dots , the thinner the line more attractive and more the mastery of the art.
3) Adding patterns inside , outside after completing the kolam . This shows our creativity.  Sky is the limit for us imagine and create or add patterns.
If you need the steps , they are given in the photos below.
The dot grid is 4 by 4 and the dots are placed inclined as shown
Chukki rangoli kolam , the initial steps 
Actually is a smaller version of a bigger 6-7 dots rangoli.  It resembles a basic Celtic knot ,  I think.  Don't know which came first .  Our traditional rangoli designs have been there for hundreds of years or may be a few thousand ( whether any research has been done we have to find out ). 