Chinna Sikku kolangal eppadi poduvathu

Sikku kolam is like football when a defender twists his legs, falls when tricked by a forward. I don't know whether it is a correct analogy , sometimes I'm reminded of this whenever I am caught midway in the kolam !! First a small and beautiful sikku kolam rangoli . Like many chikku kolam this design also can be drawn with bigger dots 7,9,11 etc. I have tried with 7,9,11 dots. We have to focus like Arjuna for 9 and 11 dots. The dot pattern is 5 dots 3 rows then 4,3,2,1 dots If you looking for gantina rangoli , small melikala muggulu with dots , thipkyanchi rangoli old ( yes this type may be the one of the oldest types ) you may like this post If you are looking for small kambi kolam for beginners or simple pinnal kolam you may find some of the rangoli shared here useful to you. Anju pulli sikku kolangal Two more simple sikku kolangal with a few steps are shown below For this design the dot pattern is 5 dots 3 rows then...