Big sikku kolam for Pongal Margazhi

11 dots sikku kolam for Margali kolangal
We can draw these kolam for during the Margazhi season 2019 and Pongal 2020 when we want to display our kolam skills .  The images show the step by step process for drawing the design.

Big is not an absolute term .  We may consider kolangal above 9 dots in sikku kolam as big because of the complexity in may neli kolangal. 

For other pulli kolam any design above 15 dots may be categorised as big.  

Do not underestimate a sikku kolam by its size.  Even a small design can be tricky .  So naturally bigger designs will be little challenging.  I have tried to make them easy through the steps given in the pics

Also called kambi kolam 
or pinnal kolam ( pinnal refers to plaits )
Drawn in white with decoration with white kola podi if time permits 
We can try modern ideas by drawing with colours.  I have shared one such design here
One more 11 dots sikku kolam for Margali kolam season .

Eleven dots kolam steps through pics 


The next kolam also uses 11 dots
It is 11 pulli 2 varisai ( rows ), 9 dots ( 1 varisai ), 5 dots ( 2 varisai ) and 3 dots 

         A non standard dot grid                        

Twists, turns and wriggles ( nelivu ) are the USP of this type
They are ubiquitous during Margali masam .  Also as  Bhogi, Pongal pandigai kolangal

Like a Math problem there are many ways to draw kolams particularly sikku kolam ,  I try to find the easiest method for this we have to put ourselves in others' place and think , only then sometimes we can achieve what we want and from the feedback I get it right many times and that is one of the reasons for the popularity of Rangolisansdots on YouTube, Facebook and as a blog

Almost all sikku kolams possess the property of bilateral symmetry ( you guessed it right I am a student of Biolgy !)  . they are symmetrical in the horizontal and vertical planes.  For those who know this type very well would have noticed that occasionally change the route as I draw !

This design uses 11 dots two rows , then 9 dots on either side , then 5 dots two rows on either side , finally 3 dots.

As far as possible draw each element in few steps .
This will ensure that joints are not visible
These awesome old type rangoli designs are testimony to the greatness of our tradition and culture 

Next sikku kolam for Pongal ( பொங்கல் சிக்கு கோலம் in Tamil )  is with 9 dots 3 rows then 7 ,5, 3 ., beautiful design it is.

The images make it easy to understand , I hope 
We can also try these chikku kolam on holidays .  We can concentrate more since we are free from daily routine.

Big is a relative term ,  hence I have added a 10 dot sikku kolam for those who are searching Google images for big designs and have about 10 dots in mind.
The dot pattern is 10 dots - 2 rows, 8 dots one row, 4 dots - 2\rows and 2 dots 1 row.

Neli kolam with dots 
Somewhat easy neli kolam because it has repeated elements 
We can draw on Sunday too , leisurely .  Maybe we can concentrate more because it is a holiday

The next kolam is with 11 dots 3 rows, 7 dots one row, 9 dots - 1 row 3 dots - 2 rows and one extra dot on either side of the lower row of 3 dots as shown

Modern sikku kolam with 11 dots - drawn directly with colours 
11 pulli sikku kolam for Bhogi too 
Sikku kolam benefits - it improves focus and concentration

9 dots sikku kolam can also be considered big , as I said earlier it is a relative term.
This kolam uses a 9 by 5 iduku pulli pattern

We can try this beautiful , very tricky kolam for Mattu Pongal 
or Kanum Pongal
Long straight lines make this design unique among sikku kolangal

11 to 1 dots kolam for Margali, Mattu Pongal, Kanum Pongal kolangal also


One of the many kambi kolangal , I have shared in this post.  I think it is enough: )
This is also a collection of melikla muggulu for Dhanurmasa or gantina rangoli designs