Muggulu designs without chukkalu

Simple muggulu without dots for Sankranti
First start with a square as in padi kolam  ,The completed kolam with colours 
Draw floral designs on the four sides  and at the four corners.
Decorate the floral designs with borders as shown 
White muggu is shown in the image .  It is beautiful as it is
This is from a collection of Dhanurmasam muggulu I posted during 2012.  Now I have shared again with steps.  A very simple and easy muggu.  The white design is in the image above,  If we need colours the colourful muggu has also been shared.  We can try this for Sankranti 
Chukkalu leni kamalam muggulu
Lotus and rose are the flowers usually drawn in muggulu.  I have also used the hibiscus.  Lotus can be a part of our Friday or Varalakshmi Vratham muggu decoration.
Start with a square base.  This is one of the easiest methods to start in free hand muggulu .  Lotus designs are drawn on all four sides.  It will be nice if we draw all the lotus designs from one side .
The more patterns we add the richer the muggu becomes as is evident from the next few images.
If you are drawing for Friday or Varalakshmi Pooja decorate with a kavi border
The next muggu is a not so easy design, though it is small.  The picture should clarify the central design in particular     A simple border on all four sides completes the muggu

Collection of small and easy muggulu designs without dots for Diwali , Navaratri , Sankranti
I have not given the step by step pics for these simple muggulu.  Please try them yourself.  Can be part of our collection of daily entrance muggulu for flats.
A star based muggu
A variation of padi kolam 
 Quite a small and cute muggu
 We draw just a paisley also at the entrance
Very small and easy rangoli
 Drawing butterflies is quite easy in rangoli !
 What would we do without birds and flowers for our muggulu designs
 Small and intricate design
 Another bird muggu , just like a doodle , I drew it spontaneously
Flowers and tendril designs are congruous in rangoli 