kolam for Pongal- Sankranti muggulu - rangoli designs

Chukki rangoli are very popular for Bhogi , Sankranti festivals . This beautiful 13 by 7 dots kolam for the festival . Tip : Connect the dots for the curved lines in a single stretch. Then the kolam looks more beautiful. It is all in the mind when we do it confidently the result is awesome !! Sankranti lines rangoli | Pongal lines rangoli Padi kolam or geethala muggu as we call rangoli designs with lines are traditional and old art of drawing rangoli or kolam . This special and beautiful muggu has been added for 2017 festival of Sankranti . It is quite easy to make this lines rangoli design . One more geethala muggu for Bhogi , Kanuma festivals too First rangoli with dots for Pongal kolam or Sankranthi muggu for 2017 festival The latest rangoli designs addition to this post that has predominantly free hand rangoli designs. First a 14 dots kolam , a common floral design, a variation of the same the ...