Thiruvanthipuram Sri Devanatha swamy temple

Sri Devanatha swamy temple timings , Thiruvaheendipuram The board below shows that Devanatha swamy temple is open between 6am and 12 noon in the morning 4pm and 8.30 pm in the evening The temple is near Cuddalore , 28.5 kilometre from Puducherry bus stand. and is a 50 minute to one hour drive. The Lord is considered to be the elder brother of Lord Venkateswara of Thirumala S ri Lakshmi Hyagreeva Sannidhi Oushadagiri The sannidhi is on a small hill opposite to the temple entrance. It is believed that when Lord Hanuman flew with the Sanjeevi Parvatha a part of it fell here and hence the name Oushada giri. So a visit to the sannidhi cures diseases. Since Hyagreeva is the Lord for education also this shrine of Laxmi Hyagreeva is popular with school going children and their parents placing pens, pencils etc before examinations and taking the blessings of the Lord. This shrine is open between 7.30 am and 12.00 noon in the morning ...