Tulasi kota mundu muggulu video

  Aishwarya patra rangoli or muggu for Tulsi Vivah decoration

Tulsi Plant is considered to be very auspicious , hence only Pooja room muggulu are drawn before the kota. Drawn in the Puja room and for Tulsi kota it is an auspicious kolam.  It is not drawn at the entrance.
The dot pattern is 7 dots at the centre, 8 dots on either side.  Next we have one row of 7 dots on either side , 6 dots one row each on either side and finally three dots on either side.

Lakshmi Hrudaya rangoli also for Navaratri Friday decoration
I have added an image with different colours to show how the dots are connected
 Kubera rangoli also for Dasara or Varamahalakshmi Pooja 
Both have similar dot patterns.  Start with a dot at the centre.  Then eight arms each with five dots in eight directions.
Hridaya kamal rangoli is drawn connecting the dots in the order 1,4,2,5,3,1
Kubera rangoli is drawn using the following procedure.  Place the dot grid.  Draw five parallel lines of decreasing length outside the dot grid.  Connect these lines with the dots drawn in the eight arms.
Watching the video will give a better idea. The video link is given at the bottom of the post.
Geethala muggulu for Tulsi kota
This is one of the most popular rangoli with lines for Tulsi Maa , Friday Puja room decoration and for functions in our family.  My other used to call it the Hase rangoli.
The picture shows the side view of the rangoli
Kuber rangoli | Aishwarya Patra rangoli | Lakshmi Hrudya rangoli |  
This video 👉 kubera kolam from my YouTube channel on kolam shows how to draw all three rangoli designs referred to above.