Evening tiffin recipes and snacks ideas

Cabbage capsicum recipe | quick and easy pakkoda for snacks   A quick pakkoda that can be done in 15 minutes. Finely chop cabbage and capsicum .  Add one measure gram dhal flour and one measure rice flour. 

Add salt and chilly powder.
Add a little omam (Ajwain ) seeds to offset the effect of gram dhal flour.  For some gram dhal flour causes problems in digestion.
Mix well and add a little hot oil and then mix thoroughly and wait for around fifteen minutes. We need not add water to make the batter and we can fry directly in oil.
Such hot snacks are best with tea in the evening on a rainy day !



Idli batter recipes - kuzhi paniyaram 
  • Take required quantity of idli maavu (batter ) in a vessel
  • Saute with mustard and urad dhal in a kadai and add to the batter
  • Add finely chopped onion and green chillies and stir well
  • We can prepare batter exclusively for kuzhi paniyaram also
  • Keep the kuzhi paniyaram "stone " on the stove and heat with medium flame.
  • Add oil in all the hollow portions and pour the batter
  • Again add oil all round all the paniyaram pieces
  • When they are cooked , turn them to the other side and add oil all around again
  • Finally remove them from the stove , serve them hot with coconut chutney
  • A quick and easy evening snacks or tiffin recipe particularly if you have idli batter ready.


An easy and different vendhaya or fenugreek dosai
Idli rice - 6 measures
Urad dhall - half meausre
Fenugreek - 2 table spoons
Soak these in water and wet grind in a mixer.
After grinding allow the batter to ferment for six hours.  In case we need to prepare the dosas immediately, we can add butter milk and make the dosais
The  batter should be spread thick so that we get soft dosais

How to make sandwich without griller
  • One of the easiest breakfast or evening tiffin recipes is the popular bread sandwich.  We can make it even if we do not have a griller. 
  • Remove the crust of the bread slices.  Heat two slices on a flat tava after applying butter.
  • Repeat the same procedure after flipping the slices.
  • For filling in this sandwich I have added sweet corn cooked to which pepper powder has been added.
  • Any sauce or spread can be applied to the two inner sides of the slices, the filling kept inside and served.
  • I have used mult-grain bread

How to make pesarattu
Take green gram and raw rice in the ratio 2:1 and soak the mixture in water for 6 to 8 hours
Drain water, wash well, twice or thrice and add green chillies ( more than three will make it hot )
and ginger and grind in a mixer to get the paste as shown in the photo.  Add finely chopped onions
for additional flavour and taste.  Onion may also be sprinkled while making the pesarattu.  You can substitute moong dhall ( paasi paruppu ) for green gram.  Make pesarattu as you make a regular dosa and serve with coconut chutney.  
