Chennai to Mantralayam by Mumbai Mail

For those travelling from Chennai to Mantralayam , Mumbai Mail (Train no.11028 ) is probably the most convenient , particularly if you are planning to have darshan during weekends. The train leaves Chennai at 11.55 pm and reaches Mantralayam the next day at 10.30 am We can return from Mantralayam on Sunday if we start on Friday night . The train comes to Mantralayam at 3.30 pm in the afternoon and reaches Chennai the next morning at 3.30 am ( quite early isn't it ) After going there we can try for accommodation. Many rooms in various hotels are available. Nowadays we can book online also. We have to keep checking the website. We can book the room online. However remember to take a print out of the booking and your ID card, preferably Aadhar card. The website of Sri Raghavendra Swami Mutt is Mutt website where rooms , online sevas can be booked and donation can be offered. On arriving at the station ( this new station...