13 to 7 dots kolam images video steps

This is one of the latest additions to the videos on YouTube. 

 A 13-7 dot muggu drawn for Dhanurmasam ( Margazhi ) when we find big , bright and beautiful rangoli ( excuse the alliteration ) adorning the houses.  

If you are wondering how I learnt so many rangolis,  when I was young I had the privilege of observing my mother and my elder sisters from close quarters when they made rangoli .

 It is not an exaggeration when I say that my mother never drew a rangoli a second time.  So rich was her imagination for free hand designs and her memory of the common dotted muggu. 

She never had any book for reference.  Her memory was her rangoli book :) The link to the video - I have given at the end of the post.  I think the images may be sufficient

Still if you need it , you can watch the video 

Bird kolam with dots for Pongal and New Year'
The kolam after completion and addition of colours


The central flower is drawn around the 7th dot in the row with 13 dots so that it occupies the centre of the rangoli.Two more flowers are drawn on either side as shown in the picture below

 The next two photos show the flowers at the top and bottom being located and drawn.  The position of the flowers ,  I think is evident from the photos themselves.



Now we have dots between the flowers that can be used to draw the birds.  The pic below shows the tail being drawn.

This pic shows the body of the bird being drawn.


The head and neck are drawn completing the bird design.


A bird's eye view (!) of the rangoli showing the birds patterns drawn, the eye and beaks to complete the birds.


Connecting the bird to the flower so that it appears that the bird is carrying the flower


Colours are left to our imagination,  I have used three different shades of blue.  A close up showing the filling of colours in the rangoli


Some of the most common rangoli are among the most beautiful also.  There have been requests on YouTube for the video of this rangoli . The video link is here birds rangoli video .  

If you are looking for chukki rangoli 13 by 7 or chukkala muggulu 13 to 7 this kolam may be the one you are searching.