Simple muggulu designs with dots

The first muggu in this gallery  of muggulu that are from a collection of the designs I draw at the entrance. 

As the title suggests they will all be without colours because that is what we usually draw as daily muggulu at the entrance of our homes and reserve colourful ones for festivals.

I am asked what book , I refer to for creating kolam or muggu designs.  I do not refer to any rangoli books. 

 Since Rangolisansdots literally means rangoli without dots,  I create many free hand designs.  When I create such designs,  

some designs are also suitable for muggulu with dots.  So I try accommodate those designs in a suitable dot pattern and that is how I create muggu. It is as simple as  that!

Some of these designs can be tried for festivals like Vinayaka Chaturthi  ( Chavithi ) or Navratri.

Actually I have a note book that I use to create rangoli . 

Some times I get the idea instantaneously , some times it is after few attempts that I arrive at the final design.  

There are many that are there in the note books still not drawn as videos because I am not sure if I they are  good.

Small small muggulu with dots for entrance

Deepam designs can be highlighted in this muggu and can be part of our Deepavali muggulu that are small and easy

Very small and simple 3 dots muggulu / rangoli


This is a very basic version of a sikku kolam type I drew using a bigger dot grid in Rangolisansdots.  In  fact this design can be used with square centre or with a hexagon at the centre to make it bigger.

Place a 3 by 3 dot pattern , then place 2 and 1 dot on all four sides Using the in between dot grid type. Draw a square outside the 3 by 3 dot pattern.  Then draw four triangles as shown in the images. The edges are rounded on all four sides to get an easy muggu with dots that can be practised as part of  dwara muggulu or rangoli at the entrance.


We do not need a big dot grid to draw beautiful muggulu.  With just three dots we can have a combination of flowers and butterflies.  This muggu or kolam below the pictures showing the steps, show how to draw rose buds and butterfly pattern using a three by three dot pattern and one additional  dot on all four sides.

Another simple and  easy idea for a 3 dot muggu using a 3 by 3 dot grid. Draw the patterns at the four corner dots as shown. In the remaining dots , draw floral petal designs.  Connect them will curved lines on all sides to complete the rangoli / muggu
Simple 4 dots muggulu 

This muggu uses a four by four dot grid. I have added some free hand floral patterns  in the gaps and connected them with  lines.  A simple muggu for learning , teaching or practising.

 It is quite a simple  design , decorating the muggu with free hand patterns inside and outside enhances the beauty of the muggu design.   Add some colours if you are using as a simple muggu for festivals like Diwali and Sankranthi.

Quick easy muggulu or  rangoli for Diwali / Sankranti  chukki rangoli simple 

These steps below demonstrate how it is easy to draw a birds rangoli design with just a 4 by 4 dot pattern.  After completing we can add colours of our choice


The first in this series of simple muggu with dots is a geethala muggu or muggulu with lines.  These also called padi kolam are usually drawn  free hand.  To make it easy I have used a dot pattern.  A simple 5 by 5 dot pattern and then placed 2 and 1 dots on all four sides.  Using the central 4 by 4 draw a square and drawing three parallel lines to make the number of lines  four draw lines on all four sides ( we usually draw four or five parallel lines for these type of kolam ). Using the remaining dots draw the outlines and then decorate the inside of the border with free  hand  patterns of your choice.   A simple muggu for Friday or functions is ready.  Decorate with a kaavi border



Most of the muggulu designs in Rangolisansdots are simple, easy to draw and can be  drawn quite quickly according to the feedback I receive from my viewers on my YouTube Channel.  I try to keep the designs as simple as possible.  I am also asked what book I refer to.  I do not refer to any book.  I draw a lot of free hand muggu and some of them  I try to accommodate in a suitable dot pattern and  the result is there to be seen.
The next muggu is with 5 by 5 dots.  This muggu I created  when I was trying some  designs after dinner.  I think it  should be  easy and liked by all. Draw the central pattern and use up the outer dots and add more free hand decorations to complete the muggu.


Small Diwali muggulu - 5 dots muggu
With just five dots we can draw a beautiful muggu with the padi kolam theme ( step like formation in kolam ) as shown in the image below.  Using a 5 by 5 dot grid , the first step is to begin with the two squares inside and proceed as shown in the remaining images.  Add a few patterns to get the simple , small , cute ( we can use any number of adjectives for this beautiful muggu ) is got.



Another simple Diwali rangoli with 5 dots
A combination of muggulu with dots and  tippudu muggulu designs is used for this rangoli / muggu
The images should give the step by step procedure.



Such simple and easy muggulu designs are most sought after even for festivals like Diwali when we have big , bright and colorful rangoli .

The next muggu uses the dot grid as follows ,6 dots two rows , four and two dots on either side.  The muggu is created by drawing straight lines outside the design as we do in tippudu muggulu or melika muggulu ( Telugu for sikku kolam or neli kolam )

Draw the four squares as shown in the first image.  Use the remaining dots to connect lines to get the final image of the beautiful muggu .  This can  also be drawn for daily muggu or on occasions if we are happy with a simple  design.  The photos show the step by step procedure  Please try this  and give your feed back.  This is quite a common muggu and can be drawn free  handalso.


 The lines drawn outside the dot grid gives a special appearance .  This is one of the best methods to create simple beautiful muggu - drawing lines outside the dot grid . 5 and 7 are the most common and popular dot grids in muggu with dots.
The next one is a muggu with dot 7 by 4 pattern.  Place the dots.  Draw the floral pattern at the centre, draw the hexagon around.  Connect intersecting lines from the top of the floral petals on all sides as shown. It may seem easy but is a little  tricky.  Connect the outer lines to form rhombuses.  Finally add decorations inside as shown to get a muggu that can be used as a daily muggu design.




Here is an example.  This muggu with 7 by 4 dots pattern is and can be created from a free hand pattern.  After creating the pattern , I try to accommodate in a dot pattern by trial  and error, of course starting from the closest dot grid possible.  The result , this muggu.  Finally add a few free hand decorations,  to complete the design.

Such simple designs can be part  of our collection for daily muggu designs and with colours added can be drawn for festivals  like Sankranti if we  are looking for a small and simple muggu for  Sankranthi.


7 dots rangoli for Diwali / white rangoli for filling colours

This is a simple rangoli / muggu that can be drawn as a simple rangoli with dots for Diwali.  An ideal small design for filling up colours because Diwali rangoli is all about filling colours. The dot grid used is 7 by four after creating the hexagon pattern at the centre , the arms are extended to get a design that appears to be six patterns interlocked .  Then some simple patterns are drawn in the free space to complete the rangoli if we want stop at the white rangoli stage.  Or instead of patterns we can use colours of suitable combination to fill up the spaces.


One more 7 dots muggu for Diwali decoration at home

A simple creative design that I created in the spur of the moment. 



Shank rangoli or muggu with 9 by 6 dots for festivals - Navratri , Diwali or Sankranthi

With a 9 to 6 dot grid we can form four shanka patterns using a technique so that the head portions of two conchs is common.   Place the dot grid and shown in the first two images draw the four conch or shank heads. Then draw the bottom portion of the shanka designs on both sides so that they are touching each other.   These steps are shown in the next two pictures.  Finally we can add colours if we are drawing for festivals  like Navratri or Diwali.  Since Shanka is an auspicious symbol we may even think of drawing for Varamahalakshmi Pooja ( or Habba )

It is a small and simple  design , the challenge is to visualise and draw the shanka designs staying on one side without moving around.  This is a good exercise for the mind !



9 dots muggulu for Sankranti 



The dot pattern used is 9 by 9.  This is a common muggu but suitable  for filling colours and hence can be drawn as a simple muggu with beautiful colours for festivals  like Sankranti, Navratri and Diwali.  First the patterns with straight lines are drawn on the four sides and then the remaining dots are used to get floral patterns.  Finally more free hand decorations are made inside the muggu if it left in the white muggu stage or else we can fill with colours.  The is a good design to practise straight and curved lines .  An easy but different type of muggu for learning drawing muggulu

9 dots Navaratri muggulu / Diwali muggulu with dots 
This is a different muggu using the mango leaf or maavilai patterns .  There are three layers of mango leaves on this 9 to 1 dot pattern.  It is quite simple and easy to draw.   This design is useful for adding colours for festivals like Diwali and Sankranthi when we have lots of colourful muggulu .

The pictures below should be useful for creating this design.




This muggu is suitable for Navratri decoration ( for bommala koluvu decoration ) or can be filled with colours for Diwali special muggulu.
The same kolam can be drawn with a 7 to 1 dot grid , a simplified version .  This muggu or rangoli has two layers of mango leaf 
Simple Navratri muggulu / Diwali muggulu designs

