Special rangoli designs free hand

Freehand plain rangolis are relatively simple and one should find them easy to draw with practice. Rangoli that are drawn on a daily basis are generally without dots and there are some competitions that permit only white rangoli images to be drawn without any colourful decorations so that judges  have an idea of the intricacy with which a rangoli was drawn ( because it is possible to cover-up some mistakes done during drawing a rangoli with colours added ). 

 People who are aware of the culture of Tamil Nadu will know that kolam is daily in the morning and in the evening ( we can see two or more kolam designs also at the entrance of some houses and invariably they are drawn plain with white rangoli powder. Kolam designs like padi kolam, sikku designs and arisi maavu ( rice flour paste ) are drawn plain and at the most decorated with a red border in case of auspicious occasions.   

Hence plain rangoli design are very important for learning rangoli, practising them and for daily use too.  In Rangolisansdots I have captured some designs in the plain stage with my camera and uploaded them and some posts meant for colouring activity so that the pleasure of viewing rangoli and practising them is doubled - with the plain and colourful designs.   

How to create a free hand rangoli for New Year | Diwali | Sankranti with old Cds, cotton buds
The images below show how we can create rangoli easily without using the traditional finger technique.  I have used Cds that I have decorated with paints for some other craft. 
Innovative method to create a special free hand rangoli for Diwali

Rangoli without dots with old CD
Without chukki rangoli with old CDs an awesome idea
Another step in this special and simple idea for making rangoli
Beautiful and colourful rangoli for Diwali festival
Easy spiral rangoli with multi colored dots
Simple and special free hand muggulu ideas 
Draw spirals without a break , all the spirals will look beautiful without joints, place  colourful dots for the rangoli

One of the easiest and sometimes tricky methods is to create a rangoli with spiral patterns.  Drawing spirals closely at one go ( if we draw the spiral designs in two or more steps we may not get the perfect pattern)  is the only factor to be considered in this otherwise easy method to draw a free hand rangoli  .  The images give the steps 
Simple freehand rangoli gallery for Diwali
This post was originally meant to have few  free hand rangoli designs.  Since I have some more in my collection, that I have drawn and stored,  I thought I would add some more rangoli in the existing posts .  Hence more have been added   as a result some designs for small free hand rangoli . Also I plant to update this post with simple free hand rangoli designs as and when I can divert them from other posts or can draw them. They may be used without colours  with colours for special occasions. Some rangoli designs in Rangolisansdots including a few here may qualify to be categorised under ezhai kolam.  Ezhai in Tamil refers to a very thin line - literally one of the strands that twine to form a thread is called ezhai ( nool ezhai ).  Similarly kolam drawn with thin lines may be referred to as an ezhai kolam design. Ezhai may also refer to kolam done with lot of ( thin ) lines as we have in padi kolam.
I have written about how a rangoli can progress from a basic design in an older post. The final rangoli depends upon the imagination one can achieve.  Of course, time and space are important constraints.The images below are examples to show how a  (free  hand) rangoli evolves, expands and keeps expanding.
For free hand muggu designs - the rangoli grows from the centre or in other words radiates from the centre.  Hence the central pattern is very important in the final design that we get.  The simpler the central pattern the simpler will be the final design.  There are a number of common patterns that are regularly used in these type of rangoli designs.  I have uploaded the central designs from various kolam / rangoli drawn in the past and present in  Rangoli-sans-dots.
We can  have a plain white free hand rangoli for Navratri  golu decoration of Puja mantapam decoration for festivals like Varalakshmi Vratham , Diwali
A kaavi border around the free hand kolam will give the ambience needed for festival decoration.

Small circular free hand rangoli design in progress
White rangoli designs are also beautiful and awesome
Colourful rangoli for Holi a festival of colours or Sankranti muggulu
Such colourful rangoli can also be drawn for Sankranti rangoli designs
The rangolis below shows designs  after they are filled with colours, for festivals of joy like Holi, Navaratri and DiwaliHoli is ant important festival  ( or event or celebration ) in March.  Celebrated on the full moon day in the month of Phalghuna (February - March in the English calender ).  One of the most joyous festivals celebrated in India, it is associated with colours - spraying of colours as powder, mixed with water.
It has been quite some time since I last shared a parallel lines rangoli design ( I have been attempting them with different colours and not in white ).  Hence I thought Holi would be an apt festival for sharing my thoughts through some parallel line rangoli design also because they have become popular in (through ) Rangoli-sans-dots.  This is again a simple design with a star pattern at the centre that evolves into a beautiful rangoli bordered with patterns around it all with parallel lines.  As usual fill colours.  We can also try to draw this on a carpet of rangoli powder so that the empty spaces in between are not visible ( like Sanskar Bharathi designs ). Then  we may have to choose the colour combination to match with the rangoli carpet in the background. 
This rangoli design below is the next one in this series for Holi festival.  The central pattern, I have added a different colour for each arm. Add floral designs on the border.  The remaining space is filled a colour of our choice with some plain designs.  The result a very colourful and beautiful rangoli design for Holi ( for rangoli related festivals like Diwali ). Also can be drawn as a free hand Margazhi kolam the season for kolam when we find colourful kolam designs through out Tamil Nadu
This is also quite a popular motif that is used in rangoli and any other form of art.  The eight arms can be made colourful as shown.  Since there is little space between any two arms the areas  above the arms can expand according to our imagination. A close up shown in the image below
Such colourful rangoli can be drawn for Sankranti muggulu with colours
 Why do we use rangoli stencils - Rangoli stencils are ready made rangoli designs that are available in the market. All we have to do is to sprinkle the colours on the stencil to get beautiful rangoli.  It is an easy method of making rangoli for those who want to try this art, admire this art and want go get involved in making rangoli. As shown above with stencils too many combinations are possible.  If one practises free hand designs can be added around the stencils.  However, rangoli stencils should only supplement rangoli designs, in my opinion and not replace them! Drawing kolam with a cotton bud -  In this method, adding the pattern in the groove formed by the cotton bud ( or pencil ) is the trick. The design at the top has also been drawn using the same method.  Sprinkle the rangoli powder on a sheet.  Using the fore finger draw some simple patterns and fill them . I try to keep the patterns as simple as possible.  We can have more intricate designs too.      
Diwali is a special festival that calls for special rangoli designs.  There are video is a collection of a few rangoli designs, from the rangoli designs I have drawn.  They are a combination of stencil rangoli and free hand design, rangoli designs evolved from rangoli erased and the rangoli powder rearranged.   All are in my YouTube Channel Rangolisansdots.   
The period between August and March is when the use of rangolis for various festivals is maximum.  During Navaratri (Dussehra) , Diwali, Sankranthi the atmosphere is many parts of India is festive.  Rangolis form an important part of the festivities.  In some parts of India i.e Tamil Nadu between 2nd week of December and 2nd week of January, rangolis decorate whole streets and there is a healthy competition among all households in a street to draw the best rangoli.   Many people including kids  draw rangolis as  early as 4.30am.  The result is a convivial ambience. This month is called Margazhi in Tamil.  Just as we have kite festivals. Dandiya etc. in other parts of India this month we can find hundreds and hundreds of rangolis or kolams as they are called in Tamil drawn at the entrance of many a house.  The designs vary from rangoli without dots, rangoli with dots, sikku kolams that form an endless loop.  Sikku literally means knot in Tamil.  These kolams can tie one in knots particularly the bigger ones when the dot template is big.  The beginning or end of a completed rangoli cannot be traced. One has to practice a lot to draw these type of designs.  But they can be challenging and one gets a satisfaction when she/he completes the kolam.  I would also like to draw a few in Rangoli-sans-dots - but I have to concentrate on rangoli  without dots because that is the main theme of Rangoli-sans-dots. 
If you are looking for without chukki rangoli designs for Ugadi , easy rangoli designs for Dhanteras one of these rangoli ideas may be helpful.