Pulli kolam designs

Some pulli kolam designs I designed for Rangoli-sans-dots. I will upload as and when it is practically possible .. Draw the central pattern and expand outward to get the wings Draw the head and crown and beak of the bird. The remaining dots at the centre are filled up with patterns as shown in the image. You can also decide your own pattern The kolam is of 9 dot to 1 dot pattern kolam with four "colourful" birds. A simple design. Place the 9 to 1 dot template. T h ere is some influence of free hand design in the birds and hence the combination of dots and free hand rangoli results in the image shown above. Some colourful lines have been added to parallel to the basic white design to get a beautiful and attractive rangoli. This rangoli may not appear to be simple, hence the photo above showing how to draw the basic patterns at the centre and around. My mother used to say that holdin...