Diwali diya decoration ideas at home

Diya decoration with CD rangoli | eco friendly
For this simple CD craft , draw rangoli designs on CDs with cotton bud dipped in honey.  Sprinkle semolina and tap gently to remove excess semolina ( or rava ).  A beautiful and easy Diwali diya decoration is ready for us to decorate our homes and show off.

The lighting of diyas gives a beautiful and divine ambiance for this easy craft for Diwali

Apply honey inside the patterns and paste kundan stones
Diwali diya decoration with floating rangoli 
Probably one of the most innovative and creative ways of decorating our homes with rangoli is using a floating rangoli and using the floating rangoli to light a diya.  The steps are as 
  •  Fill water in a vessel almost to the brim.
  • Sprinkle rice flour throughout the water surface so that it forms a thin layer.
  • Now place a CD rangoli or any other CD art on the surface of the water.
  • In the remaining space draw rangoli patterns to decorate around the CD rangoli
  • Place a diya after lighting it , it may be a battery operated one or oil lamp as shown
  • The images or pictures should make it very clear.



These two lamp decorations are beautiful and simple too, they fill the vessel with light signifying the arrival of Diwali the festival of lights .

Rangoli making for diyas

We can make a simple diya rangoli design around which we can light the diyas or lamps for the festival decoration.  This one below is a quick and easy method , suitable particularly for beginners who love rangoli but are still learning the traditional methods of making rangoli with fingers or hand.

Arrange the bangles as shown in the image below.  Fill half of the bangle with two different colours .  I have used yellow and red .  After removing the bangles carefully , form diya patterns with cotton bud fill them with rangoli powder and decorate the base with dots.

Place white dots in the gaps , and form floral petals with cotton buds.   The central circle also can be decorated with patterns or designs of our choice.
We can place diyas on the rangoli carefully so that they match with the lamp patterns. A quick and easy to draw a Diwali rangoli design with diyas and for diyas.
I would like share a rangoli making technique also that can be used for Diwali decoration, after drawing the rangoli , we can place ready made diyas or one of the diya decorations shown below to brighten the already bright festival of lights.  This is a simple and very easy technique so that it will be easy for all to draw a rangoli in double quick time. 

 Place a few big size bangles so that they form a circular shape.  Fill the bangles with rings  of three different colours.  Using cotton buds form wavy patterns in the first and next ring after removing the bangles. Now that the main part of the rangoli is complete, we have to now decorate the rangoli further.  I have used the concept of bullets or big dots with white rangoli to make  the rangoli  more beautiful.  Place the lamps at the centre  of each circle  or place them along the white  lines that extend outward.  Earn the appreciation of your friends and family with this unique and simple design.  Happy Diwali.

Or , we can draw a simple free hand diya rangoli and decorate with diyas.  For a change, I have drawn only the white rangoli , we can draw with colours or we can decorate with colours too.  A simple and beautiful method of creating a rangoli. 

 Draw two pairs of lines, horizontal and vertical with sufficient gaps to draw four start patterns.  The third picture shows how the rangoli is converted into a diya rangoli.  Add colours and light lamps .  A small and easy rangoli , particularly if we are cramped for space.
The lamps below, clay or earthen lamps, are the most common type of deepam that are lit for Karthigai Deepam festival.  They are sold in hundreds by vendors. They are lit and displayed in various patterns particularly around the kolam that is drawn at the entrance.  Two such clay deepam have been decorated with simple kolam like designs that can be used for diyas for Diwali                                
Diya decoration ideas and crafts for Diwali through images
Deepavali 2012 (Diwali) is round the corner. One of the most important festivals in India for celebrations and celebrations with kolam.  The result, some kolam designs for this year's Deepavali. Diwali will be celebrated on 2nd November and the other important celebration will be Kannada Rajyotsava in Karnataka on the 1st of November.
Floating lamps or floating diyas are quite popular during the celebration of Diwali festivals (after all it is the festival of lights ).  So a simple floating lamp idea has been shared.  Take a small and short  candle as shown, Paste a part of a rubber sheet or anything else that can keep the lamps above water.  Cut the sheet so that it extends beyond the candle.  Use this area to decorate the candles or lamps with kundan stones as shown.  I have used only one type of kundan stones, we may use two alternately or use any other combination to get a simple but beautiful floating diya idea.

Floating lamps for Diwali decoration
Floating lights or floating diya form an important part of celebrations of any festival, more so for Diwali.  I have used commercially available candles mounted on a rubber base so that they float on water.  We can use anything that is lighter than water and makes the candles float on water. The area around the candles is decorated to get a kundan floating diya.  Placing them among flowers enhances the beauty of the decoration.  A simple yet beautiful decoration for Diwali. Continuing from the previous post some more free hand rangolis with diyas as the theme for Diwali season.
Vilakku decoration ideas and designs for Deepavali and Karthigai Deepam
The next deepam design, ( I have shown the top view of the lamp ). After painting the clay lamp for oil and a single wick as shown in the photo with colours of our choice, the rim of the lamp is decorated with half-beads.  They are full beads cut into half to facilitate fixing of the beads.  In this lamp pearl half beads have been used to match the white paint inside the lamp.  Against a red background of the base, the white paint and the matching pearl beads make the lamp very attractive.  For Karthigai Deepam, a festival of Tamil Nadu for lighting lamps.                                
The next deepam designs - not exactly a deepam it is couple of candles that I have tried to decorate.  Though it is not part of usual Karthigai decoration - using candles , I have added it here to give one more idea for lamp decoration.  Artificial, ready made trinkets in various shapes and sizes are available.  The candles are to be stuck to circular base of suitable diameter so that there is space around the candle for sticking these trinkets.  Now choose the trinkets based on colour, shape and stick them to get some pattern.
This can be done for clay lamps too.  The size of the base will be bigger and as a result the size of trinkets to be stuck may be a bit larger.

Deepam decoration on kolam for Karthgai Deepam festival
The lamps decorated in one of the ways shown above or any other method not covered here are placed around a kolam specially drawn in the evening for celebration of the festival.  Here regular clay lamps filled with oil  and with a wick are used with artificial battery operated lamps to beautify the kolam and the entrance.  Of course lamps are placed where ever possible in the house and the access to the house - a portico or staircase.                            

It is an earthen diya or vilakku painted with acrylic paint the colour being pearl green.  After a few minutes decorate with free hand designs using acrylic paint of various colours as shown. It can be made washable. This can be used as the central lamp or vilakku around which other lamps can be placed.
      While there is a separate post for CD craft ideas, I would like share some diya decoration ideas on Cds that I made for Rangoli-sans-dots.  One is the diya ( an artificial battery operated lamp I have used in the decoration ) on Hridaya kamal or lotus rangoli design and the other  is a free hand rangoli design that is a basic and simple  pattern.