Sunday Monday kolam Tuesday kolam

Sunday is a day for relaxation .  Monday is obviously the 1st day of the week , so it is natural to have some simple designs , if fact the simplest of simple  designs are drawn on Sunday and Monday.  

We have a  tradition of drawing kolam at the entrance daily and so simple designs are sought for during the weekend and the beginning of the week unless some important festival is celebrated on that day
I am of the opinion that since kolam is an  art that is drawn daily at the entrance , the designs should be  simple but creative and  beautiful.

Big ,  colourful rangoli designs are reserved for special occasions . Even though we draw simple designs we should concentrate on the details and patterns so that a simple design can also be attractive.  
    Sunday rangoli kolam 

An easy and simple rangoli , beautiful also for Sunday when we all want to do things leisurely !

  Though there is a concept of kizhamai kolam , I am not aware of it and so I do not practice it.  
A simple free hand  kolam drawn on a Sunday , a single paisley or mango pattern decorated as shown.
A simple without chukki rangoli on cement floor 

It appears as if a peacock has bent its head because it is shy.  Just by using dots and lines we can beautify a simple paisley pattern.  For a quick and easy Sunday rangoli design

Some of the vasal kolams on Sunday and  Monday.  It is clear that I go for some the simplest designs for this day of the week

This is a basic pattern that can  be used as central  part of a free hand rangoli.  The two lines have been drawn separately.  


Using the same concept as in the previous kolam - drawing double lines separately so that they appear to be parallel is the next kolam for a simple Sunday or Monday kolam with the basic star pattern at the centre.  

This is also a pattern that you may find in many blog posts in Rangoli sans dots.  This pattern I develop further by extending radially to get  different rangoli designs.  Since it is Monday, I have  stopped at the stage itself.   

After a relaxed week end , may not be so relaxed if we have school and college going children who tell  us about the Monday morning project work on  Sunday evening when all  the shops are  closed and we have to search the half of the city or town in search of something for Physics or Biology project !

It may be a simple thing like a pen torch cell  or some  bulbs in Physics or some plants ,leaves or flowers for the Herbarium  project in Botany, it is really surprising that children remember only in the evening of Sunday !  


This design is part of an ezhai kolam - drawn with thin lines.  Drawing thin  lines  comes  with practice.  Only important thing is that we should not think too much about the lines.  The more relaxed we are the easier it is to draw the thin lines.  This pattern can be drawn 16 petals or 32 petals .  To make it more complicated we can draw sixty four petals !  That is for another day,   this is Monday so only 16 or 32 petals.

Some lines kolam for Aadi sevvai.  Tuesdays are also for simple designs only.  For Aadi sevvai or Friday some traditional  kolam designs are to be drawn.  So some of them drawn for this special  Tuesday. Both the kolam below have a similar central star pattern that can be drawn free hand  or with 5 to 3 dot pattern.  Later  the design changes as is evident by comparing the pictures. One I have decorated with colour rangoli border and  the other with a traditional  kaavi border.


I will update the post with kolam drawn on these days , so you can occasionally check for latest rangoli under this heading ! It is the month of Aadi ( this post is updated as I when I feel like adding relevant kolam ) and Tuesday so one more lines  kolam with a kaavi border  ( Update - Now a popular kolam on my YouTube channel and Facebook page )
After drawing the basic four lines in four directions pattern ( there are  five in  this kolam ) I thought of developing  with some curved  lines as shown.  Then decorated the gaps  with floral patterns  .  Actually this design was developed spontaneously as most of my free hand rangoli designs are

Some times some festivals fall on Sunday , Monday or Tuesday so the theme of the rangoli can change from a simple theme to the old rangoli designs that are traditionally drawn with white rangoli and kaavi border and some kaavi decorations inside.  Once such rangoli drawn first with a 5 by 3 dot pattern and then suitable free hand patterns are added so that they are seamlessly integrated as far as possible.  In the picture I have added the vasal padi border or gadapa muggulu as my mother called them


In this gallery of simple rangoli designs, Rangolisansdots is all about simple rangoli only , almost all, with a few exceptions , a few designs or methods or types that may not be easy for all , two more rangoli designs I drew have been added.   So the theme of Rangolisansdots is itself simple rangoli , the kolam for these days of the week at the entrance should be simple or if possible  simpler and simplest !

Frankly, most of the kolam I draw at the entrance are thought of as I bend down and take rangoli powder ( white it is invariably ) from the plastic box in which I store it .   The design also is likely to change as I draw the designs .  It is true for even small kolam desings.   The advantage of this habit of mine is that you and I get a variety of rangoli designs , it is quite wide range, I must say humbly .  The disadvantage is that it is possible that the entire rangoli may not be duplicated but the order of use of some patterns may be the same in some kolam , resulting in some kolam designs looking similar.  I hope that this is not very common in Rangolisansdots.  You are a better judge because after reading many posts on rangoli designs here , you should be able to find if there are some very similar designs.

Coming to the kolam design, this pattern I drew on a Monday ( obviously since the post is about drawing kolam on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday ) at the entrance. It looks like a free hand kolam , actually it is a 5 by 5 dot kolam. I think that the picture should be enough to follow the method.  


This kolam is a very common kolam .  It is usually drawn with parallel lines.  I drew the vertical and horizontal lines with a single line and the interconnecting petals have been drawn with two lines that are not drawn simultaneously.  It is suitable for a simple kolam on one of these days of the week.


The next kolam drawn on a Margazhi Tuesday or Dhanurmasam Mangalavaram so that calls for some special kolam designs , this is with conch patterns and drawn with a 13 to 7 dot grid. A simple chukki rangoli 13 to 7 


After Margazhi , for a change a simple rangoli created using rangoli stencil that we usually use for Diwali rangoli decoration.  It was a  Sunday so I wanted to try something different.


The next day a Monday , obviously so I wanted to start with my favourite technique , a simple lines rangoli drawn with double lines or parallel lines


We can draw a simple free hand thamarai kolam also on these days , particularly for Monday when we are in a hurry because it is the beginning of the week  so we can with something simple  and easy.
