Potato recipes urulaikilangu chips vadam

Potato is one of the most favourite recipes for children and adults alike. There are different methods of making potato curry , potato chips and all are unique in their taste and flavour.  I would like to share some of the methods of making urulaikizhangu chips and varuval as we say in Tamil.  

The first recipe is a different kind of potato chips and we can classify under potato vadagam or vadam also.  

Take one or two kilogram of potatoes and peel the skin wih a peeler.  Using a slicer slice the potatoes to get thin slices.  Below the slicer we have to keep a vessel filled partially with water.  This is to ensure that the potatoes do not change colour after slicing.

Take a sufficiently large vessel and boil water in the vessel.  Add the potato slices to the boiling water.  Add salt also however this is optional because we add salt after frying also.   When the water is boiling switch off the stove and close the vessel with a lid for about ten minutes.

Then remove the lid and using a ladle remove the potato slices and transfer them to a strainer kept in a vessel so that the water is drained.  Then wash the slices with cold water.  This is essentially a summer recipe like other vadam also because we need lot of sunlight and this is not dried in shade.

Spread a clean cloth on the terrace and transfer the slices on the cloth so that they all dry individually and separately.  Then close it  with another cloth and keep stones at the edges so that breeze does not create problems .  This will also save the drying slices from birds .

When dried the slices can be transferred to an airtight container and fried whenever required.
Add chilly powder and salt after frying and serve as a side dish for sambar rice or rasam rice also.
The taste is unique and different from the usual potato chips we eat. The images below , there are many of them give the step by step procedure for this simple vegetarian recipe , home made.  Hope they will clarify any doubts you may have or please use the comments section for more clarification.


It is better to take medium sized potatoes so that there ease of handling them during slicing , it is difficult when we have too small or too big potatoes.

As shown in the picture medium sized potatoes are preferable.



Boil water in a vessel of reasonably big size to accommodate all the potato slices .  Since we can store these chips after drying in a container and fry when ever required ,  I usually prepare with one or two kilgrams of potato

Obviously , all these will disappear in no time in the form of chips when you offer to children !


We can add rock salt at this step and powdered or table salt after frying.

 However it is optional and depends upon the amount of salt we want or can tolerate.



Then switch off the stove and close with a plate for ten minutes.



After spreading them evenly on a clean cloth cover them with another clean cloth and secure the edges with weights ( we use stones ) so that cloth does not fly away due the breeze and expose the delicious chips to our friends the birds !

I have to save the chips from these birds ( pigeons ) particularly.  They are my friends and come daily for breakfast ( I offer some millets ) and water .  This  is considered to by dharma according to our family traditions so we make it a point to feed birds with millets and offer water in a vessel also because they will need a lot of water particularly during hot summer.  


After drying store them in an airtight container.

Add chilly powder and salt ( if required )


Initially I thought of having all potato recipes including curry ( or poriyal ) in a single post , I find that this post is quite long due to the number of images I have added.  I feel pictures convey more than words and they are more easy to follow and remember when compared with written text.

In case you are wondering ,  Rangolisansdots is all about rangoli but there are many requests on my YouTube Channel also called Rangolisansdots for traditional and home made recipes so occasionally I add a few recipe videos there.  I would also like to share them in my blog so that Rangolisandots blog will serve different people with varied interests.  So there are traditional crafts like flower garland making , recipes for festivals, festival related information and of course my little knowledge in vegetarian cooking through pictures and written information