Melika muggulu with dots step by step

These variety of rangoli are one of the most beautiful techniques in making muggulu.  

Here instead of connecting the dots as we do in tippudu muggulu , we draw the lines around the dot grid. 

 The first muggu in this collection is with 7 dots and as shown in the images below.  It is a very easy design.

The dot grid used is 7 dots three rows then 6,5,4,3,2,1 on either side.  

After placing the dot grid draw parallel lines as shown in the first photo such that the length is within the dot grid.

We can have a lot of adjectives qualifying this kolam, simple, common and easy since it involves very few steps. 

 However, for the benefit of all I have added intermediate steps. 

 Frankly creating the steps involves a lot of work but I want to make the blog as user friendly as possible. 

 I am trying to create, add as many designs as possible so that it qualifies as a Kolam encyclopaedia!  High ambition but possible. 

 My father-in-law always used to say, "Pluck at a gown of gold so that you may get a sleeve out of it ". 

 His children used to call him a "walking dictionary " and it was not an exaggeration.

 In one of the tests at the age of 70 plus he could answer 47 out 50 of some of the most difficult words in English.

I hope that the number of images showing the steps should encourage us to try them for festivals like Sankranti and New Year. 

We usually do not draw these designs for festivals like Navratri and Varalakshmi Vratha


melika muggulu with 7 dots 
First connect the line above the top row with 7 dots and the line below the bottom row with 7 dots at either end.  Then continue this process as shown in the image below.
The top and bottom lines above and below the respective row of dots is connected with curve lines such that they travel among the dots as shown and on either side.
These traditional rangoli are really awesome
The result, the melika muggu below.  Beautiful isn't it.  Many of us get overawed by looking at the final design in case of melika muggulu or gantina rangoli.  We may not be able follow the route the lines take by looking at the completed rangoli.  As a result, we hesitate to try these designs.
5 dots melikala muggulu
For the first design the dot grid is 5 to 1
melika-muggulu-with 5- dots-image- 224abc.png
The next muggu design also uses 5 to 1 dots
melika-muggulu-with 5- dots-image- 224abc.png
This muggu is with 5 dots 2 rows then 3 and 1 dots

melika-muggulu-with 5- dots-image- 224abi.png
This muggu uses five by five dot pattern with extra dots on all sides
An intermediate step

Looks easy but after the initial drawing of lines it is somewhat tricky.  We should not underestimate this kolam due to the small size dot grid !
Melika muggu with 6 dots with step by step images
Pic shows an intermediate step 
The next muggu uses 6 dots 4 rows , then 4 dots on all sides

Photo shows an intermediate step 
7 dots melika muggulu very easy

Melikala muggulu with 8 dots or 6 dots with extra dots
This muggu uses 8 dots 2 rows , 6 dots 2 rows then 2 dots on either side or 6 by 6 dots with 2 dots on all four sides. Observe the pictures , it is a little tricky !
Image shows how to proceed with this kolam
7 dots milika muggu
A common muggu but may be somewhat confusing for those who are trying for the first time.  So some images to show the procedure.
Hope the  pic above makes it clear 
Sankranthi melika muggulu
This is a bigger version of the previous one with 7 dots. The dot pattern used here is 9 dots three rows then 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 dots on either side i.e top and bottom.  We need a lot of concentration since we can get lost in the labyrinthine patterns that we  draw as we near the completion of making this rangoli.  I have added deepam patterns to make it suitable for Diwali or Karthigai Deepam.  To make things easy and keep it simple I have added the video from my YouTube Channel so that it is easy to follow.
The link for the muggu video is 👉 muggu video 
  9 to 5 dots melikala muggu
This is a classical muggu and by no stretch of imagination can we consider it easy but it is very beautiful .  Draw with 9 to 5 dot grid , I have a collage of pictures , six in all and I hope they are sufficient to explain the steps for this design.   
 I think it is also a very unique design as I have not come across such a design which involves a combination of straight and curved lines to create one in this category.  Of course the previous pattern is also with straight and curved lines.  I say this because invariably we find melika muggu with curved lines, twisting and turning around dot patterns
Step by step images 
9 to 1 dot melika muggulu 
The second muggu with the 9 dot grid consists of four repeated patterns woven around a part of the dot grid.  This is evident from the pictures below.  Some what tricky but not very difficult if we try a few times.  After practising for some time we should be comfortable with the pattern.
After completing the four designs the remaining dots are used to complete the muggu as shown in the next two images.
This is quite a simple melikala muggu.  The dot grid is two rows of 6 dots , then 2 plus 2 dots on either side.
The next  image shows how the patterns are drawn outside the dot grid.  They are the same patterns drawn in different directions.  Four in all to get the final step shown in the image relevant to this muggu.

Melika muggulu with 5 dots step by step
5,7, 9 dots are quite common in this category , however it is not common to use a square dot grid to accommodate a twisting pattern.  Usually we add dots to get the desired symmetry for the muggu.
This is a perfect 5 by 5 dot muggu and a common one too.
As  I said earlier , the next muggu uses a non standard dot grid, 5 by 5 then one dot on all four sides.  Though small it is quite awesome and beautiful !
The next muggu or kolam in this collection.  The dot pattern is 5 by 5 with  one dot at six places as shown in the image below.  The images after this show the step by step procedure to simplify learning this muggu.   When we split the designs in to elements and then draw them it will become quite easy to draw them .  Otherwise the usual problem we face is to where to start !
Small and simple muggu 

Small melika muggulu with 3,5 dots
Next is a collection is of small melikala muggulu , with intermediate steps.
The first muggu is with dot pattern - 2 rows of 3 dots and then one dot on either side
The second muggu at the top is drawn with 5 and 3 dots .  This is one of the common designs using the same dot grid many combinations are possible. The third muggu at the right bottom uses a 5,3,1 dot grid.  All designs are quite common muggulu of this category
After completing the third muggu the fourth muggu at the top right has been drawn.  The dot grid is 7,5,1 .  It is quite common to use non-standard dot grids for melika muggu to get a symmetrical pattern.
All the designs after completing.  May be useful for learning this type of muggu . For my mother (from Vizianagaram near Vishakkapattinam they are vankula muggulu ! )