Make clay pendant necklace jewelry DIY

   How to make a pendant with chemical clay

Once we make the pendant making a necklace is very easy

The material needed are
1. Chemical clay ( I use Shilpkar clay that is available in India )

2. Talcum powder ( apply on hand to ensure that the clay does not stick , it also makes the surface smooth )

3. Eye-pin  - to provide a holder for pendant to convert it into a necklace

4. Colour string with hook ( this is readily available in the market this forms the lace for the necklace )
5.  Fabric glue to stick

6. Paint brush and acrylic paint

7.  Pliers

8.  Jewellery making ring

9.  Pen refill , bottle cap ( small ) to make patterns on the clay

The photo below  shows the list of the material needed for making this simple craft for Christmas and other festivals or for a craft project.


Take two pieces of chemical clay , sufficient enough to make a pendant , I am making pendant that is around one inch ( 25 mm ) in diameter.  Mix them both so that they blend well and turn white.  Roll the blended clay into a sphere.

Flatten the clay with anything that can be used as a rolling pin.  It should preferably be light unlike our regular rolling pin to ensure that there is no damage to the clay sphere. Talcum powder is sprinkled on the working area and is applied to the hands and to the clay .  This will help in keeping the surface of the clay smooth as also prevent it from sticking to the hands or to the working surface.


Once it is flattened into a circular shape , gently tap it on all sides if required


Using various tools form patterns on the clay pendant.  I have used the glue bottle cap , acrylic paint bottle cap and used pen refill to make the patterns as shown in the image below.


Form small clay spheres and stick around the pendant with fabric glue.  The next three pictures show how it is done.


Making use of what is known as the eye-pin provide a holder to the lace for holding the pendant to a string.  The eye-pin is usually long and can be cut with a pliers to a suitable  size.


The picture shows the pendant , basic shape is ready with the eye pin and all.


After attaching the eye-pin we need to attach a ring also that is inserted in the eye-pin to hold the lace for the pendant necklace.


Apply fabric glue of various colours to get the pendant for the necklace


Various designs are shown in the picture.  One of them is a complete necklace.  For this we should buy a necklace string with hook and attach it to the pendant.


An easy for DIY pendant at home is ready.  This can also be part of  kids craft ideas at home or school  however preferably done under the supervision of elders particularly the eye-pin and ring attachment when sharp objects are handled.  The fabric glue and acrylic paint we use should be preferably of reputed makes that are safe to handle.

For this post I have used small clay spheres around the circular pendant and heart shaped pendant since they are the easiest to make and stick.
Such innovative ideas are possible with chemical clay.  Another is the needle that I made with Shilpkar clay.
This needle we call it the vanki pinnal oosi or braid needle .  This is made from tin.  I tried in many places but could not get it .  So I made one with Shilpkar clay and created a traditional braid decoration with natural flowers.