How to draw double stroke rangoli design

    The first in this series of double stroke rangoli designs this colourful rangoli.   Colour is usually associated with festivals like Holi, Diwali and of course Pongal.  So if you are looking for a colourful rangoli using a different technique this should be a preferred choice. Draw the central pattern and expand it further.  Spiral  designs decorated all around that are capped with floral  petals.  Green , orange and pinkare some of the bright colours we can choose for this kolam and that is what I have chosen.   
These are commonly called rattai ezhai kolam designs .
Margazhi and Pongal is the main  kolam season when we look for grand and  difficult kolam.  Navratri decoration also calls for some different and beautiful techniques in kolam making.  Though , I invariably draw very big kolam , particularly with double lines  and more particularly for Sankranti , Rangolisansdots is all about small and  simple kolam, so I  restrict to small designs. Kolam means beauty and what ever the size and colours in a kolam , a design that is well executed with concentration and involvement will look very awesome to say the least.
Coming to the rangoli below it is one of the most common designs I draw with double  line and obviously it finds a place in this gallery of rangoli images  with this technique .
The steps to draw this rangoli.  First the central star design is drawn with paralle lines.  From the inner edges of the star floral petals are drawn.  From the edges of the petals the rangoli is expanded further.  Now draw double stroke arcs to cut the second layer of floral petals ( in green and red ) to form a star with curved lines.  The edges of this star are connected  with double lobed parallel lines.  Some free hand patterns including spirals are drawn to complete the rangoli.  Add colours to make the rangoli more beautiful and look like the design in the image above
Rangoli with and without colours are somewhat easy to draw and can be finished in a few minutes and are comely.  Geometric shapes are sometimes used including triangle, rhombus , hexagon , octagon .  In fact they are used quite often.  The image above and below show two more types of double stroke designs that can be drawn in double quick time.   The rangoli below is somewhat similar to the previous one in its near circular shape.  However the central designs are different.
The rangoli above is unique in double stroke designs , rhombuses form the basic central shape decorated with lotus patterns .  Fill both rangoli with colors and show off as a decoration at the entrance. You can show me some rangoli through photos on my Facebook page - Rangolisansdots
The next kolam or muggu is formed with almost straight lines only.  The intersecting lines are drawn at the centre .  They are connected with more straight lines with small and cute triangle at the top .  The outer border is again with straight lines instead of curved lines.  The patterns outside have been left at that step but they can be actually converted into birds.  Colours are applied parallel to this rangoli border and also between the parallel lines in the design.  Finally using white colour the central floral design an the rangoli border is further decorated.  The result a beautiful kolam for festivals from Pongal through Deepavali !
  The design is decorated with a parallel line border that is further augmented with a red line.  Kolam shows the easiest way of drawing a bird.  and you have to give us that  liberty  when we draw kolam.
Apart from Margazhi , Navaratri till Dusshera are seasons associated with kolam. , particularly in Tamil Nadu.  season and associated with kolam , particularly in Tamil Nadu.   The next kolam is similar to one of the previous kolam designs only difference being the sun like patterns and the final border decorating the outside .  Thus various combinations of patterns and designs can give rise to many designs in rangoli kolam.
The flower at the centre is further made more attractive with dark blue and pink  to get the final design.  . The orange  green combination on  a white rangoli design will make it suitable decoration during celebration of Independence day or Republic Day. This beautiful colour combination can be used for Sankranti kolam designs also.  The central design starts with two sets of squares drawn with curved lines .  First the usual square like pattern is drawn and  the next one is drawn perpendicular to the first so that the sides intersect resulting in the formation of eight edges ( that are filled with blue and orange ).  The rangoli grows from there as shown in the pic.
Plain kolam  are beautiful in their own way , so some white rangoli designs in double stroke are shown below. There are many methods of drawing double stroke where we have thick and broad lines so that the two lines are not distinct.  This kolam below and the others I have drawn to follow the method where the two lines are distinctly visibile The difference in formation of the lines is due to the fact that the kola podi fall differently between the index finger and middle finger ( one line ) and outside the index finger ( second line ).  Coming to the rangoli, this is probably one of the easiest methods of drawing a peacock like pattern.
The same rangoli shown above with more decorations to represent the feathers of the peacock.
The rangoli  design evolves from a swastik design   A single line border is added to complete the rangoli..
The double line kolam is a creeper like design    Two images show this rangoli expands from the central designs . through eight arms ( like an octopus !) The result  is a maze of lines..  It can be made more complicated too ! Don't worry , Rangolisansdots is  for simple kolam designs  learn rangoli - a s beautiful floor art form of India.