Complicated rangoli difficult kolam art

Some rangoli may appear simple but are difficult , some kolam may appear difficult but are actually simple.  While it said that there is Mathematics in kolam , my children say that sometimes kolam are similar to Mathematics problems - when you read a sum in the question paper but when you try you are stuck some where similarly some rangoli appear to be easy but when  we try we are not able proceed after a point.  . 
Lines kolam of this type give a different perspective to kolam but do not come under the classical kolam designs.  These kolam are patterns formed using number of horizontal and inclined lines that meet , intersect to form a design.                                
They try to follow me and sometimes miss the steps and are not able to follow after that.  These kolam below may appear easy but it is really a challenge to get it first time.  Why don't you try and give your feedback through the comments section
These type of kolam is a good exercise for the mind for the mind due to the energy required to concentrate.  I can assure you that a lot of concentration is needed.  It is not that other kolam do not need concentration.  Even a small 5 dot kolam needs focus are we may miss the the next steps. 
The end result is a beautiful pattern forming start like patterns through out the kolam.  Dots can be placed inside the kolam to make it more beautiful.  We can place colourful dots instead of white dots to make suitable for festivals like  Pongal and Diwali.  The images show the steps involved .  We can add some free hand patterns around to the kolam too.
One more step in one of the  unique rangoli ideas without chukki
It is difficult like some of the big sikku kolam 
It ranks among the toughest rangoli designs , I think you will experience when you try 
One of most important aspects in drawing a kolam is that we have to avoid moving around the kolam while drawing it.  This is easy for small and medium sized kolam.  It is somewhat difficult for bigger kolam designs.  The kolam below shows a repeated simple pattern drawn in four directions.  The trick here is that all the patterns have been drawing from one side only.  So we have to visualise how to start the pattern .  
Please note that it is easy to draw standing or sitting in the four directions.  To make it challenging and complicated I have drawn from one side only.  Such kolam can be suitable for Margazhi and Karthigai Deepam due to the presence of the deepam patterns
This post is reserved for tough kolam , having said that toughness is a relative term.
Small but hard rangoli design one more step through a picture 
Hard rangoli drawing also includes drawing small complicated patterns from one side , we have to visualise
Complex rangoli design completed 

While most small rangoli designs are simple and easy , there are some small rangoli that can be challenging, the kolam above is one of them .  Some sikku kolam designs that are small can be very challenging too.  I have shared some of those designs in a separate post.
The next kolam may not be in the difficult rangoli category ,  an uncommon design that we find drawn at the entrance.  I have shared the basic and smallest design in this type  .  This kolam can be made bigger and bigger.  It uses plus signs connected with curved lines.
  It may not be difficult but definitely it is tricky.  After seeing this the steps for this kolam through the pictures below,  I request you to take a pen or pencil and a notebook or a sheet of paper and draw it.  If you get it right the first time hats off to you !  
Steps in the pictures for this beautiful artful without chukki rangoli 
More photos showing this crafty art , though small 
I would like to reiterate that connecting curved lines without a break is important in this art.  Joints are to be avoided. 
Decorations make any rangoli sans chukki even more beautiful.  Simple patterns with small lines and dots shown in the image make the rangoli awesome 
Next rangoli kolam is actually not so complicated but the design when we see can be intimidating to some of us.  It is a sikku kolam with 9 dots.  The dot pattern is 9 dots three rows and then 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 dots top and bottom.  It is created by drawing horizontal lines above and below starting from above and below the three rows of 9 dots and connecting the edges with curved lines moving around the dot.  The first two or three steps are usually easy.  Then it becomes difficult because we have to focus a lot and absolutely perfect concentration is required.  Even if there is the slightest distraction we will get lost or we may make a mistake.  Try this for Pongal or Sankranthi when we enjoy doing difficult designs to show off our talent :) The link for the video for  one of toughest sikku kolam is 👉 here