Andhra muggulu designs step by step

1. chukkala muggulu small and simple 
Seven by four is a beautiful dot pattern that can be used to draw simple , some times intricate designs

 We can convey an attractive message through such a small dot grid also.  

The images above show how a flower pattern can be drawn with two layers of petals using the dot grid.

 First mark the centre of the dot grid , it should be quit easy, draw a circle with the 3 to1 dots at the centre.

 Extend small lines to the next layer of dots between the dots

 .Connect these lines to form the floral petals.  That leaves some dots outside .

 These are used to form the second layer of petals to give a more naturalistic appearance for the flower.




This is a 4 by 4 dot muggu .  Quite simple after placing the dot pattern , draw four patterns as shown in the image above.  Then connect the edges to get the basic design.  Rest is according to our imagination .


2.Step by step line muggulu designs with images 

The following images give a step by step explanation for a rangoli with lines that is quite common during Ugadi and Sankranti inside the houses or at the entrance.

Start with a basic square with lines .  It is preferable to have a square made with two lines or with four lines as shown in the picture below.  After drawing the square split each side into two halves with a set of four lines that connect the bottom and top lines of each side as shown the image.  

Connect the the small square grids with curved lines , the curved lines should preferably drawn in a single stroke to enhance the attractiveness of the rangoli

Now four curved lines small to big the small one starting from the inner most line as shown in the image below and the biggest starting from the outermost line

The steps are repeated on all four sides of the square
Another view of the curved lines being drawn to make the steps easier to understand

This is a basic design of a floral pattern drawn around a muggu.  Depending upon the size of the muggu and hence the space available  we can have more number of petals.

Next comes  an important phase in this muggu , the drawing of the lotus patterns.  Lotus designs can be drawn in a variety of methods on a lines muggu , it the close up of the lotus is viewed carefully it can be seen that the the central petal is generated from the edge of the square, the next two petals evolve from the next two edges of  the vertical and horizontal lines  and the next two petals from the next sed of the edges of the vertical and horizontal lines and so on till we have the lotus pattern .  The final two edges can be used to complete the design.  Lotus are preferred free hand patterns for such muggu with lines primarily because both  are complement each other quite well.

Placing dots in the grid formed by the vertical and horizontal lines in a small but simple way of beautifying the rangoli .  You would have observed that I follow this simple technique in many of the designs I have shared.

My mother is from Vizianagaram , near Vishakkapattinam where she stayed till her marriage .  I learnt many designs from her , particularly rangoli with lines and rangoli with dots.  I share some of them in Rangolisansdots apart from those I create based on my imagination and based on requests from viewers ( from Rangolisansdots my YouTube channel on rangoli , craft and recipes ).

The next muggu ( this post is only with lines because these traditional muggulu designs are quite popular )  As the name suggests the step by step procedure is explained through lots of images ( photos of the muggu taken at various steps ) for ease of understanding .  As I have stated many times these type of muggu designs are very easy though the final image may appear to be complicated.  When split into various elements we can understand how easy it is .

( An analogy may be Sherlock Holmes.  When Sherlock Holmes concludes just by observing the place we are all spell-bound as to how did he deduce it .  When he explains we think ah! it is so simple, why didn't we not think of it before.  It is said that Dr.Watson , the character in Sherlock Holmes is the reader only.  The author chose this character  to explain to the readers how Holmes solved the puzzle by putting the  elements  of the evidence available at the site . - this analogy and the explanation , credit to my daughter )

After drawing the basic four line square , four small squares are drawn on all four sides.  Lines are drawn inside to form a grid so that it is easy to connect through curved lines to get a continuous pattern.

Rhombus like patterns are drawn at the four edges , while the smaller squares are drawn at the centre of the four sides.

The position of the hand is shown to emphasise the difference between the previous image and the present  one , to show in the next step where the lines are being drawn.

A pair of curved lines are drawn at all four edges of the smaller squares , thus connecting to the parent muggu

A pair of curved lines are drawn on three edges of the rhombus as shown in the image,  the position of hand when observed shows how the muggu proceeds.

The standard decoration at the centre with pair of diagonals drawn with two lines.

The muggu when completed looks like this.  Of course we should decorate with kaavi border.
This is one of the favourite muggu that I created for my blog   Actually it is after dinner that I sit and create these designs in a notebook listening to devotional songs.  That is the time for either tying flowers or for creating rangolis.



Andhra style muggulu with dots | chukki rangoli design 

This muggu uses a 7 by 7 dot pattern and is one of the easiest to draw .  Created using only the petal motif it is simple.  Connecting the inner and outer designs with lines and some shading here and there make it very beautiful.  As a simple design for Sankranti or for festivals like Varalakshmi Pooja
