Akshaya Tritiya kolam rangoli story

Padi kolam for Akshaya Tritya ( அட்சய திருதியை  )

The following images give step by step procedure for creating this simple, beautiful ,traditional lines patterns . Geru is used for decoration of these type of kolam drawn for festivals

White rangoli without chukki 

Another kolam  idea for the festival Pooja and decoration , a traditional kolam drawn free hand



For Akshaya Tritiya we can also learn something new.  So I have shared a very simple double line kolam .  So if one would like to try double line kolam for the first time for this festival.  Remember to use a kaavi border for the festival


If  you like something more colourful and a bit more complicated in the double line technique of drawing kolam.  I have added below with some explanation the white rangoli and the design after filling colours . 

Double stroke kolam designs 

Kolam can also be drawn free hand or without dots apart from being drawn with dot grids Rangoli sans dots literally means rangoli without dots and hence I have to post some free hand designs to justify.

There are many free hand rangoli  already available here in this blog.  For Akshaya Tritiya which a special occasion for learning some new art also apart from what we do usually.  I though this special type of kolam would be of interest to some who may want to learn something new in kolam. Start with intersecting parallel lines to form the central designs, from the each edge add two more parallel lines, add designs as shown or as you wish.  Plain and white kolam or rangoli are as beautiful as colourful kolam.  It is easier to fill colours in a double line kolam as we can see from the photos above.

Instead of  venturing into something new if we want to have a traditional padi kolam .  A simple kolam with lines 


Another double line kolam idea for the festival.  


If we would like to learn something new that can be started on Akshaya Tritiya as per traditions and customs followed by some. 
Akshaya Tritiya festival     

It is celebrated on the third day after new moon in the month of Vaishaka.  Akshaya means lasting for ever. The belief is that what ever done on this auspicious day multiplies many times.  So much so that some believe that even "Rahu kalam " etc do not exist on this day !   Nowadays we purchase gold on this day .  The crowd has increased manifold that there is advance booking for purchase of gold.

We can also learn a new art on this day because Aksaya Tritiya is all about "vriddhi " . So I have shared some kolam designs that can be learnt or practiced on the day or drawn at the entrance for the day.  Since it is an important function we can have  a padi kolam or any kolam with kaavi or geru border.

Story of Akshaya Tritiya

The most popular legend associated with this festival is of the story of Lord Krishna and his dearest friend Sudama ( or Kuchela ) .  Kuchela was the poorest among the poor. He his wife Suseela and their children constituted a very big family and since they were poverty stricken every day was a struggle for them.

His wife suggested that he meet Lord Krishna , his childhood friends  ( we all know that though we develop friendships and acquaintances throughout our lives we all cherish our childhood and have more affection for our childhood friends.  Lord Krishna should also be no different !)  

Kuchela hesitated and on persuasion from his wife he prepared to set off to meet his friend.  They had nothing to offer to Him.  Finally they managed to get hold of some poha ( flattened rice also called aval in Tamil ) .  His wife tied into a bundle in an old cloth that was in tatters.  

Kuchela was waiting at the gates of the palace of Lord Krishna ,  when He became aware of this He rushed to  the entrance , welcomed his friend with open arms , hugged him .  Later inside the Lord enquired as to what he had brought for Him.

Kuchela after great hesitation revealed that he had brought poha.  Lord Krishna was delighted , snatched the poha bundle from him.   After eating a handful  of poha He said "Akshaya ".  This he did three times and hence the name Akshaya Tritiya ( Tritiya means three ).  Every time he said this , back in Kuchela's house all his poverty disappeared , his house was transformed into a palace .  His wife and children were bestowed with all wealth and happiness.  Kuchela was not aware of this.

He returned from Lord Krishna's palace without asking him for help or favour.  When he returned to his place he could not recognise his house .  His wife and children rushed out to welcome him and narrated what had happened.  

Since by uttering the words Akshaya Tritiya all past karma of Kuchela disappeared and wealth and prosperity flowed this day is considered very auspicious .  So the tradition of purchasing gold or silver according to our capacity or performing a puja or dhan with the belief that the positive results will multiply many times.