Videos kolam or rangoli making designs

This post will have a collection of different types of kolam i.e some of the various categories of kolam that are possible .  It will include links to videos for those who may need it and explanation and images with steps for others.  Hope you enjoy creating these traditional  designs using these resources.
Please note all videos are from my video Channel on YouTube - Rangolisansdots or Sudha Balaji
Traditional padi kolam    
The images show a classical rangoli with lines being drawn.  Rangoli with lines start with a square base in the case of traditional padi kolam , Some draw the square base with curved lines also.  This tradition varies from place to place etc.  This rangoli starts with a swastik like shape ( which considered to be auspicious in India and hence widely used during Diwali rangoli decoration ) 

Draw the parallel lines inside on all four sides.  Extending  lines , two sets of four lines each on all four sides connecting them as shown in the thumbnail requires  concentration.  Please try and let me give your feedback.  The detailed explanation including the steps through images for the video above.

Step 1 - draw the basic square with four lines 
Next add the four triangles on all four sides to develop the kolam
Now the next step create a pattern matching the inner design as shown in the image.
 Draw two lines inside to make four lines the standard and traditional number used in padi kolam designs.  ( Of course I use 2 and 5 also )
The two inner lines being drawn on all sides

The centre of the square is decorated as per our imagination.  A simple  rhombus connecting all four sides with dots inside should  do.  The standard and traditional practice is drawing two parallel lines connecting the diagonals so that we get an multiplication symbol like appearance.  Then dots are placed on all four sides

The kolam should not be stopped at this step but should be decorated further as shown below with floral patterns adorning the gaps.  I decided to stop it with this step.  We can continue further also.
Why are padi kolam auspicious my opinion

 In case some are not aware , padi kolam are auspicious , traditional  rangoli designs.  Some how I feel that they look like the layout of a temple when viewed from the top.  Probably that is why they are considered to be auspicious and drawn for festivals and functions.  Probably people wanted to get the blessings of God for the functions held in their house or choultry and wanted to invoke His blessings so they started drawing something that represented a temple because a temple is considered to be the abode of God.   We may observe that these kolam are drawn during weddings , house warming functions and other festivals like baby showers, Aksharabhyasam etc.  After all ,everything is in the mind , positive thoughts are always necessary for positive outcomes according to psychologists.  Probably this was practised by our ancestors as is evident from this discussion on padi kolam.  Well begun is half done is the proverb.  So to start the function they invoked the blessings of God through this kolam.  It is another matter that kolam is drawn as a decoration to welcome guests.

 If you look at the image, the square looks like the main temple and the centre looks like the sanctum sanctorum or Garbha Griha as we say in Sanskrit.  The outer layer of lines represent the boundaries or walls.  This is only my guess and imagination.  These kolam are usually drawn with a kaavi border , we also have kaavi decoration on the walls of the temples.  In fact when we see walls with kaavi or red ochre border we can be sure that there is a temple there.  The gap between the walls  and the central square pattern may be thought of to represent the prakara or the space for circumambulation or pradakshina.    

This is only my guess as I already said,  if anyone has a different view or better knowledge kindly share through the comment section.   
  Melika muggulu video    

The beauty of sikku kolam that are also called melika muggulu or neli kolam is the way the lines weave around the dots.  We have to take a kolam , practice it many times till we are comfortable with the pattern.  Usually these  designs are symmetrical when viewed from all sides but definitely symmetrical when seen from any of the four main directions , north , east , west and south.  ( Four lines of symmetry says my husband , so the credit for identifying the number of lines of symmetry goes to him )  .

While we draw sikku kolam for entrance kolam decoration ,we do not use for Friday kolam at the entrance or for Puja room for any day .   Having said that , traditions , customs vary from place to place and from family to family.

Coming back to the video this is a mash up of some of the beautiful ( at least I think  so ) chikku kolam designs from my YouTube Channel.  There are five different types of sikku kolam designs with different dot grids.  They all use small dot grids  but you may in for a surprise because one or two of the smallest kolam in this video many not be easy for any of us.   It would be challenge getting them right at the first attempt.  Why don't you try these designs and let me have your opinion also. The video is kolam collection video 

Complicated rangoli designs 
This will rank among the most difficult kolam I have ever tried.  There is a smaller version of this kolam which by itself is not an easy rangoli to draw.  This will require a lot of practice to learnt and then concentration while drawing it. 
It is very easy to get lost because it just horizontal lines of different lengths ( increasing in length towards the centre and decreasing in length towards the bottom.  These lines , the edges of these lines are connected with inclined lines.  

What are lines to be connected and in what order definitely made it very confusing.  I shared it as a video , what ever little knowledge we possess or gain when we share with others it gives us a lot of satisfaction.  It is just a pattern ,  a rangoli or kolam pattern made with lines.  An expert in Mathematics asked me on YouTube there is some geometry in it and asked whether I knew about it.  Frankly , I can only draw kolam with kola podi , 

 Mathematics is not my cup of tea.  So I accepted that I am not aware of the Math associated with it.  Please try and if you have or discover an easier method of drawing please share your ideas through the comments section.  After all discussion  leads to more knowledge. Watch the video  👉here