Tipkyanchi rangoli designs images video

5 dots rangoli with dots and steps
This is a small and simple  rangoli I created for blog and video Channel.  With a five by five dot pattern we can create four simple bird like patterns that are small and cute with cuter tails.
 The tail is formed with one of the remaining dots.  It can be  seen on the bottom left bird pattern
6 by 6 dot simple tipke rangoli designs
This is one of the simplest designs possible .  This rangoli is usually drawn at the entrance of homes in Tamil Nadu.
The patterns on the four sides are the same in most rangoli designs drawn at the entrance , the central dot pattern can change. The images below give the steps
After placing the dot grid draw the four lines as shown
Draw the patterns connecting the 3 dots remaining on the outside of the four lines
The next step shows the legs connecting as shown , probably representing tree like designs
The completed rangoli with simple design at the centre.
7 by 7 dot rangoli design for Diwali | ठिपक्यांची रांगोळी
Square dot grids are common in Maharashtra according to my sisters who live in Nagpur and Mumbai. 
 Tipke rangoli  is my sister's version of calling dot rangoli designs and so I have used square dot grids in this post on dotwali rangoli .
The rangoli below uses a 7 by 7 dot pattern .  This rangoli I created while I sit and try to create some designs after lunch.  Actually , I create a lot of designs  with dots and without too.  I am sharing all here in Rangolisansdots 
( Incidentally , this means  rangoli without dots because I started with rangoli without dots only , initially and then decided to venture into rangoli without dots also ).  
Once you select  the name with dot com extension , it is not easy to change the name .  It can be done but it is not advisable.  
Rangolisansdots looked unique , so I settled for the name but started drawing both types of rangoli designs.  
Of course it will have crafts and some recipes also particularly for festivals.  So it is not easy to have a common name that is suitable of rangoli , craft and recipes.  So it will be Rangolisansdots !
Coming to the rangoli , after using the central 4 by 4 dot pattern as shown in the  image below. we can develop the rangoli further in  the remaining dots.
The next few images show how he remaining dots outside the 4 by 4 dot pattern at the centre are used up.
The next rangoli is very unique.  The dot grind is placed inclined to the horizontal .  It is again a square grid , eight by eight dots.
The images below need to be studied carefully, because we may become confused  easily.  I have tried to find the easiest method to draw it.
  I can say with confidence that this is one of the easiest ways to draw this what is probably a slightly complicated  rangoli.
The final design results in hearts shapes , one on each side and so it may be suitable for a theme  for Valentine's Day cards  or greeting. Of course we can  take a card , place the dot grid and then draw the patterns and then add colours
As the rangoli grows or expands , it resembles a labyrinth
Also called chukki rangoli in Kannada , these traditional kolam are very attractive 
After connecting the dots with straight  lines that are parallel or perpendicular to each other , the heart shape is formed outside the dot grid by connecting with two curved lines on each side as shown.
As I said already , the rangoli looks symmetrical when viewed from any of the four main directions.
The images should be self explanatory because I have added a lot of them for a small rangoli . If you need the video for this rangoli , the link for the YouTube video is 👉 traditional rangoli video  
9 dots tipke wali rangoli | dot wali rangoli step by step through pictures
It is easier said than done , as the saying goes, many rangoli designs look easy when we see them after completion.  We all have the habit of drawing them mentally when  we see them on the street or before  a house but when we actually try for the first time , you will agree that we all get stuck up at some point.  
It is unbelievable how come such a simple design is so difficult !  We think. 
 This rangoli design is one of them.  Drawing the central lines is quite easy when we fix the centre and proceed further.  Where we may get stuck up is the drawing of the three rhombuses . 
 We have to be careful that one side of two rhombuses ( the third one comes outside , so it is not much of a problem ) should align with or should be parallel to the arm extending from the centre. 
 Only then we can get the perfect design other wise our rhombuses may clash with the central arm !
Now , the pictures for this rangoli design to show the steps .
Use of geometric shapes to connect the dots is one of the commonest methods 
The first rhombus being drawn.  This is done for all six arms
The second rhombus being  drawn .  Drawing the third rhombus is easy because it goes outside.
The next rangoli uses a non standard dot grid.  Place a five by three dot grid and then six dots as shown in the image.  Connect the dots to form the border and other patterns inside.  
Fill with colours for Diwali or Laxmi Puja.  A small and simple design and awesome too.
tipkyanchi rangoli small size after completion
The next rangoli uses a five by five dot grid ( square dot pattern ) then additional 3,1 dots are placed on all four sides.  Draw the floral pattern at the centre. I draw two petals ( 180 degrees apart ) in a single stroke , invariably I draw it this way and it is not a conscious effort.  I became aware of this only when a viewer pointed out on YouTube that it is not easy.  
Draw the four lobed flowers and around the dots the central common floral petal designs connecting the dots.
9 dots butterfly rangoli तितली रंगोली )
The images show how to draw a beautiful titli rangoli using 9 to 1 dots. The beauty of traditional rangoli lies in joining dots with curved lines. Since I belong to the traditional kolam school you can see a lot of influence of this thought in my designs.
Please see the images to learn how to draw . The images show the "metamorphosis"
of the butterflies from the dot pattern to colourful butterflies that are free to fly !
Also called chukkala muggulu in Telugu , these dot rangoli designs can be drawn daily at the entrance
8 by 8 dots Maharastrian rangoli theme
This is Mahastriaan rangoli type, they are beautiful with square dot pattern and designs form with straight lines.
Simple eight dots kolam is ready
8 by 8 dots birds rangoli design
A beautiful and small rangoli that can be drawn for festival decoration of our home
Small rangoli for Dipavali with colours
This is one of the comments in Marathi on social media "  ताई तुम्ही रांगोळी काढताना बघत रहावेसे वाटते.सफाईदार..सुंदर." Feeling blessed