Simple rangoli designs for Diwali at home

This simple rangoli design uses an innovative and non traditional method of making rangoli.
Place a bullet using rangoli colours and using a cotton bud draw a different type of floral design

Develop the rangoli into a circular design with bullets around and press them flat with the finger  to get a unique pattern, the colours I have used are suitable to make a simple rangoli design for Republic Day or Independence Day.

Simple rangoli for Diwali with cotton buds | finger rangoli making technique


Creative rangoli designs without chukki


Simple rangoli or border with bangles and cotton buds techniques
The next rangoli is with bangles .  The bangles are placed in a triangular shape.  Depending upon the number of bangles we chose the rangoli size will vary.
I have used 3,2,1 the simplest combination since it is for a demonstration only.  After placing them in the descending order, draw circles inside the bangle with the inner side of the bangle as reference.  Remove the bangles carefully because the rangoli circles can get disturbed and we have to do it all over again.  Draw the patterns along the circumference of the circles , wavy patterns, using cotton buds.  Place contrasting colour inside the circles and make floral designs using a cotton bud again.  Finally place white dots along the periphery of the rangoli to complete this small and easy idea for Diwali decoration.



Diwali greetings ideas | through rangoli for Diwali 
We can convey our Diwali greetings to our friends and relatives who visit our homes on Diwali day or Bhai Dhuj or Akka Theej with a simple rangoli design.   Place bangles as shown in the image so that we can write the letters "Happy" in the first row and "Diwali " in the second row.  Fill with colours. Using a cotton bud write the letters Happy Diwali and then fill that also with a suitable colour.  Decorate the design with dots and  patterns .  Light lamps or diyas to give a beautiful effect for the festival and rangoli. A simple  and innovative idea indeed  for Diwali  decoration of our home.

Here are the steps through the pictures




Diwali rangoli decoration  with bangles and CD
The pictures below show the step by step procedure on how  to make a simple  and  beautiful  rangoli using CD and bangles. Place an old CD and place a bangle  at the top just touching  it. Fill with blue  colour.  Remove the bangle and place it such that it intersects the blue circle and fill with yellow the areas that are not filled with yellow colour. 

 Continue this and it will appear as if the circles have been placed one below the other as shown in  the image below

The rest is easy.  Remove the CD and draw a multi petaled orange flower with a cotton bud.  Decorate the centre of he circle with bullets.  Decorate  the outside and inside with white rangoli powder.  The result a small and beautiful  rangoli  design for festival decoration ideas.



Diwali is The festival so far as celebrations are concerned.  It has everything for all.  For children and the elders new clothes , crackers for kids , This also the time for people to show off their rangoli skills.  The rangoli can be simple or big , easy or complicated but it has to be colourful.  These designs shared here should be useful for those who want to try their hand on rangoli for the first time as also for those who are looking for  ideas for simple colourful rangoli for Diwali 

This rangoli may be a very basic rangoli usually drawn with white rangoli powder at the entrance of homes for a daily rangoli , we can borrow this image or pattern to drawn with one colour on the floor or with white or any other contrasting colour on the background.  Suitable for beginners and learners who want to try rangoli making .


This is a simple rangoli only with a combination of free hand and corner rangoli designs.  The edge of the wall is decorated with corner rangoli designs and below it the circular rangoli design with colours is drawn free hand.

The next rangoli has also been drawn a circular or near circular ( since it is drawn without any aid ) . First a circle is drawn , filled with yellow colour around it we add pink and then finally blue or violet.  The inside of the blue is decorated with spirals and the outermost circle is pushed with a finger to get the pattern shown.  Should be easy to draw it on the floor or as part of a rangoli bigger drawn on a white or colourful background.

The previous rangoli magnified to show only the corner rangoli design.  This can be drawn independently also or to decorate another colourful  rangoli on both sides or all around.  Draw two semi circular shapes and develop them into orange colour floral petals as shown.  Between two floral corner rangoli designs draw a spiral and decorate it with white and  blue dots to enhance the beauty of the rangoli  .  Try for Diwali decoration at home.
After some free hand rangoli designs with colours , the next image shows a simple 7 to 4 dot rangoli design converted into a beautiful , cute and colourful rangoli for Diwali.  For beginners or for those who are on the look out for simple designs this pattern should be suitable to celebrate the festival with a  riot of colours with just such a small designs.  After drawing the floral petals colour them with blue pink and yellow in some order , I have chosen yellow for the central flower and the remaining 6 flowers alternate with blue and pink.  Actually blue , pink and yellow combine well and enhance the beauty of the kolam ( oh! rangoli ).  I am from Tamil Nadu so I invariably draw "kolam "  .  My elder sisters live in Maharastra ( Mumbai and Nagpur ) and so for them it is rangoli though we all learnt muggulu from our mother ! She was from Vijaynagaram in Andhra Pradesh so it was Telugu for her.
So what ever name we use , the beauty is the same , it is one of the simplest art forms of India , but among the most beautiful.  I do not think  that there is any other art form that is created daily .


The next rangoli uses a number of bright colours light green, yellow ,pink  and orange.  A white border decorates the circumference of this circular rangoli .  Small bullets are placed with white rangoli.  The floral petals are formed with cotton buds.


After some colourful rangoli without steps , one simple rangoli with lots of steps by steps images , so that it will be useful to beginners.
Instead of drawing the white rangoli and filling with colours , this rangoli has been drawn with rangoli colours , starting with a triangle , with circular patterns and spiral expanding on the three sides.  Hope it is useful for Diwali decoration of 2016 ( updated )


Without chukki rangoli with colours