Simple peacock rangoli designs Diwali

Peacock rangoli designs for Sankranthi | New Year
Peacock rangoli designs are popular during Diwali and New Year.  The English New Year and Pongal ( Sankranti ) are popular festivals in South India for rangoli designs that are colourful.
The first peacock rangoli , I have stopped at the white rangoli step .  We can add colours in the form of colourful lines inside the designs.  Given the nature of this desin we cannot fill with colours.  Actually rangoli designs will be very beautiful when colourful lines are drawn to match the white rangoli design and there are quite a few of this type in Rangolisandots if you would have browsed the various posts under different categories.
Coming to the rangoli, draw a big spiral shape at the centre , then draw four spirals on four sides. From these spirals draw three curved lines as shown in the images. This represents part of the tail of the peacock.  Next draw the body of the peacock opposite to the tail as shown in the third image.
We can expand further with the fourth curved line covering all the lines and touching the head of the bird to complete the peacock.  Of course we can add the crown , beak and eyes to give a more realistic appearance to the birds.
Peacock like designs with 7 by 4 dots 
As usual the steps are shown through images.  Three birds are drawn using the dot grid
Mayil kolam with dots ( in Tamil )
If we would like to draw a peacock rangoli and find it difficult to draw through the traditional method , we can make use of bangles to form a peacock like shape as shown in the video.  The restriction and constraints due to the bangles makes it difficult to get the perfect shape of a peacock but with colours and cotton buds we can get a peacock like design.  The rangoli video below shows us how it is done.
Arrange the bangles to resemble a peacock as closely as possible.  Fill with colours that will match the idea.   Remove the bangles.  This has to be done carefully to avoid smudging of the rangoli powder.  Place dots with matching colours.  Using cotton buds mark lines on the feathers.  Further decoration is as per our imagination. The link to the video is 👉peacock rangoli 
If we would like to have a traditional rangoli with dots for the festival.  Use a 9 to 1 dot grid.  Follow the steps that we used in the free hand design.  Using spirals and almost similar patterns cover the dot grid to get peacock designs.  The number of pictures below should be helpful if we have doubts as to how to proceed.
Curved lines to draw the tail portion of the peacock, the more perfect the curves better the appearance  of the patterns.  I have drawn a butterfly rangoli also using this dot grid and this idea.
A close up of the rangoli showing the upright tail of the peacock being completed so it probably looks proud and majestic.  This pattern outside the dot grid makes all the difference in making the tail portion more attractive.  This pattern should add more grace to the design.
We can draw the peacock without this step also.
This image shows the body of the peacock being drawn.  This portion is drawn free hand while the tails are drawn using the dot grid.  Finally add the beak, eye and crown for all the birds .
The rangoli after completion, we can add colours to make a beautiful Diwali decoration. Place diyas above the heads ! of the four peacocks to enhance the beauty of the design .  Apart from Diwali we can have this design for New Year , Navratri or Pongal.  Like Diwali these festivals are very important from the rangoli point of view also particularly in Southern India.
Navratri is about different types of decoration of the display of dolls called the kolu or golu.  There is a tradition of drawing a rangoli daily for the kolu.  It is customary to draw traditional line rangoli designs but nowadays we can have  these rangoli designs or kundan rangoli for decoration.
If you want a still smaller rangoli with dots we can use a 5 by 3 dot grid and create a rangoli .  The images below show the steps
Simple Nemali muggulu designs ( in Telugu )

I have stopped at the white rangoli step.  We can fill inside with colours instead of white dots and patterns.
Small peacock rangoli | 4 to 1 dots + free hand
Navilu rangoli with chukki (in Kannada )
This is an easy way of drawing a peacock ( mayil in Tamil ) , Nemali muggulu according to my mother in Telugu.   Draw the 4 to 1 dot pattern , then  draw the shankh or conch design.  From one side of  the conch - the side shown in the image, attach the body of the peacock as shown in the next picture.  The rest is easy , add designs as per your imagination and on the conch add patterns that resemble the feathers of a peacock .