Navaratri muggulu Navratri muggulu pics

Navratri as we all know is celebrated in South India for 9 days after which Vijayadasami is celebrated signifying victory of  dharma over evil. 

 I usually have two types of kolam for this festival decoration  particularly for  golu or kolu.  

 have traditional lines rangoli designs or some times free hand muggulu also.  Apart from this I have a novel idea for rangoli making , 

I try for decorating the kolu.  This post is exclusively for the old and traditional muggulu that are drawn as designs  with lines. 

All the designs , traditional and ancient go well  with modern muggu that we try with various methods , so I invariably

have a combination of both for Navratri golu decoration as I stated in the beginning of the post.

Navratri bommala koluvu is a display of dolls during this festival.  Tradition has it that we decorate this display with lines rangoli or any other type of rangoli .  

This is collection is all about lines rangoli only, obviously.

The first muggu is shown  below.  After drawing two pairs of  vertical and horizontal lines as we do in the indoor game tic tac toe (  !). 

 Then lines are drawn inside as shown in the first image.



After drawing the lines , connect the four corners with inclined lines.  Curved lines are drawn to touch the inclined line as shown   This is done on all four sides.  These curved lines should be drawn in one continuous stretch only then we will get a beautiful design.  If we draw them , each in two or three steps discontinuity will be  clearly visible.  

For this we should chose the size of the muggu such that we are comfortable in drawing the outermost curved line which is also the longest, in one continuous stretch.  The comfort level varies from  person to person.  So we should decide what size of muggu we can draw following this method.  

The curved lines are extended further as shown  The position of the hand shows the line being extended.

The kolam muggu has been completed.  With some basic and easy designs at the centre.


Now this a complicated ( some what ) lines muggu, I have tried to make it easy through the images below.   Navratri is a very important festival so we need some big and complicated designs also occasionally.


I have added few photos showing the steps, splitting the muggu into individual elements should definitely make it easy  though the photo above shows lots of lines intersecting and meeting .

First draw the five rhombus like shapes at positions shown in the image below.  Connect the edges with a pair of lines as shown. Repeat the procedure so that we get four lines on all four sides.


Next draw four petal like formation on all four edges as shown below.  The position of the hand shows the next step.  Any two rhombuses  are connected with lines on all four sides.  With this the muggu is near completion.  To complete the design draw petals at the four intermediate positions 

This is a some what different type of muggu with lines.  First the basic star shape is drawn.  Four lines are drawn on all six sides of the two triangles to complete the first step.  Then from the V shape formed in the star pattern , lines are extended further .  The length of lines so extended should be such that we are able  to get a step like formation of increasing width.  

At the top of this pattern we can decorate with jyothi or diya designs.  I have standard design with spirals I usually adopt as will be evident for those who are following this blog regularly.


The next step is connect the gaps between with curved lines on all six sides  and further extending the muggu as shown in  the images below.    It is preferable to have a kaavi border.


This is a navya Navratri muggulu according to my sister-in-law who lived in Adoni in Andhra Pradesh  before marriage.  She said that this combination of geethala muggu with birds is rare.  It some thing that I thought of in the spur of the moment.  After completing the standard design ,  I thought why we should  not try some  birds designs.  Also my weaknesses in creating muggulu are that use birds designs and double  line variety quite frequently.  

After I drew the patterns on all four sides shown in the image below. I wanted to have something to evolve from these , what better that birds on either side of the rhombus so that the patterns get converted into birds.  We can also consider them as simple representation of peacocks too.  After all in muggu creation , we do not have exact replicas of the birds or flowers, we only give some sketches to represent them.  That is the beauty of this art .  It is so simple .   It makes every one an artist .

After the completion of the birds designs , the centre is always decorated with some patterns so some curved lines to match with the lines designs.


One more padi kolam design for the festival decoration with the pictures showing the steps.  This starts with what we called Krishnan dindu or Lord Krishna's bolster and develops further into a rangoli with lines and lines only !

 The second layer of lines intersecting the first layer.  The gaps are filled with more lines
Looks complicated doesn't but is actually very simple as is evident from the photos above.

This is a simple and different lines rangoli , I thought of after drawing a circle and intersecting lines inside,  I developed the rangoli further with curved lines on all four sides and then completed the decoration with floral petals and spirals.  As always decorate with kaavi border for the festival.

The next muggu uses free hand patterns with lotus designs .  A triangle is used as base instead of square we usually start with, for a change of course.  After Navratri the next important kolam season in the South is Dhanurmasam or Margali till Pongal.