Chukki rangoli designs rangoli by dots

This is a collection of sanna rangoli to medium sized ( upto 13 dots ) .  We can use it for our daily rangoli .  The somewhat bigger designs for festivals like Dasara , Deepavali.

 I have shared only the white or bili rangoli.  

Colours can be added according to the occasion .  Rangoli sans dots means without chukki rangoli .  However there are several requests for chukki rangoli small size . 

 So I am updating the blog with this type also.

Having said that , many small size chukki rangoli designs can be drawn without dots also.

Usually we find that we are very busy in the morning and daily we cannot spare a lot of time for rangoli in our cramped schedule , be it a home maker or working woman. 

 All we can give is a few minutes for rangoli.  

So it is preferable to have a gallery of small rangoli designs in our mind so that we can start and finish in a jiffy ( !) without even spending a few seconds for thinking !  

This is the truth , no exaggeration.  Mornings are so busy aren't they.


This the first rangoli in this series of simple chukki rangoli .  The first design is with a 5 by 3 dot pattern.
 Draw the floral pattern at the centre as we usually begin in free hand floral designs.  Then connect all the edges of the floral petals as shown in the second image.
Then draw three floral petals inside as shown in the third image. Further decoration is as per our imagination with dots , lines and small petals

Lotus chukki rangoli small size 
We can draw beautiful rangoli designs with small dot patterns as is seen from the rangoli above and from the next rangoli shown through the steps below.

This is also based on a floral theme.  the dot pattern is 7 to 4.  After placing the dot pattern , draw a central spiral and more spirals around each dot at the centre .  Please refer the image below.

Draw the petals around the spirals to complete the flower design.  The remaining dots are used up with spirals and other motifs as shown in the next few images.


The white rangoli design after completion looks like this.  For festivals like Navratri, Varalakshmi Habba or Diwali we can add colours , just a few colourful lines inside the patterns.

 We need not fill with colours because this rangoli is not suitable for filling colours due to the presence of small and intricate patterns.


We can also have some non standard dot grids.   In the next rangoli the dot grid used is 5 by 5 and then 3 , 1 dots on all four sides.  I use this rangoli quite regularly for the entrance rangoli designs that I draw daily .  It is quite small and simple . 
5 chukki rangoli easy and step by step 
Next step for this 5 chukki rangoli simple 
Can be drawn as one of the rangolis we draw on Makara Sankranthi where only small designs are possible.


The next rangoli uses a 5 by 3 dot grid and then one dot is placed on six sides of the dot grid because the dot pattern resembles a hexagon. Using the dot pattern the rangoli shown in the series of images below is obtained.   Quite a small and easy rangoli , that can be part of our daily rangoli collection.

As is now common in Rangolisansdots , which you would observe if you have seen and read many of the blog posts and images , use of spirals and dots to complete the rangoli.


Another chukki rangoli chitra step by step 

5 dots lotus rangoli

The dot pattern used is 5 by 5 , then one dot on all four sides.  After placing the dot grid draw the lotus patterns on all four sides.  Then connect them with the extra petal on either side.  Draw the stalk and the common ( in Rangolisansdots ) floral petal design at the centre.  Add colours if necessary
One more simple kamala rangoli designs with dots 
The next tutorial  is a some what big design.  The dot pattern used is 13 dots at the centre.  Then 14, 11 to 7 dots on either side.  However it is a very simple chukki rangoli design.

This beautiful chukki rangoli is suitable to add colours.  We can try for grand festivals like Bhogi or Sankranti.
I have shared only the white kolam with shading.
The options for rangolis with chukkis are infinite.  Here is one more idea.  It is a variation of what is called Parijatha huvu .  We can use thirteen by seven dots .  For all festivals viz Ugadi, Navarathri or Diwali 

It looks awesome even with shading and patterns.  It will be more beautiful with colours for festivals 
I have shared some of the best chukki rangoli designs for your reference and learning.