Black and white kolam designs with steps

This is kolam with dots created with only lines.  The dot pattern used here is 7 to 4 ( idukku pulli ).  After placing a row of dots , 7 in this case , in the next row on either side  6 dots are placed.  This can be done only if the dots are placed between the 7 dots . 

 This is idukku pulli as compared with ner pulli . After placing the dot grid , a star pattern is drawn as shown in the figure below such that the dots that remain are equal and symmetrical on all sides.


From the edges of the star , i.e six points lines are extended as shown .  The picture below shows one line extended on all sides and the second line extended from the first on the top.


 This results in the formation of  pattern as shown in the the next image
Now lines are drawn between any two lines so that they are parallel to the two lines forming the boundary.   Two lines are drawn inside so that we can a total of four lines which is the norm usually in rangoli with lines or padi kolam


The next image shows the step after completion of all the inner lines.


Now from the edge of the top most line a curved line is drawn so that it meets the same line a little further away.  This is done for all four lines and we get some concentric near circular patterns.


This image shows the step at which drawing of curved lines is also complete.


A spiral at the centre and a few dots complete what is a simple and easy rangoli .  Usually these designs are drawn free hand only.

pulli kolangal with steps

The next kolam is a 5 by 3 dot grid.  I have shared this also , I remember to have posted it in another post.  It is possible that some similar designs appear across Rangolisansdots because I share kolam that I draw at the entrance , kolam that are drawn exclusively for taking photos for the blog.  So it is possible that there may be very few common designs but the same photos are not repeated only the same patterns are  drawn again for this purpose exclusively for the blog or for videos.

Place the 5 by 3 dot pattern and draw a star pattern.  Six dots remain.  Using  three dots form the head of the bird as shown in the photo below


Using one dot for the eye the next dot is used to form the contour of the bird


In the gap the tail of the bird is drawn

Add some patterns , dots and the crown to get a peacock rangoli like appearance that is quite  cute

5 to 3 dotted rangoli birds designs and steps

Another birds kolam , while the previous one was created by me , this is quite a common kolam where we have birds patterns in a circular design.  I have connected all the heads of the birds with floral petals !  Just to try something different.

Even if it is a very small design, innovation and creativity are the keys to a beautiful rangoli.  We need not draw big designs with lots of colours or rangoli portraits to show off our skills.  It will suffice if we are able to convey our thoughts our message through a very small pattern.  We should try to keep the patterns as simple as possible at the same time attract the attention of the viewers with our innovative designs.  

A man came to Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and said that he had mastered the art of walking on water by practising some yoga techniques.  Sri Ramakrishna asked him how long it took him to master the art.  The man replied a few months.  Paramahamsa said " Why did you waste so much time for this when you can cross the river by spending a few annas and crossing it in a boat !"   Similarly our daily rangoli should be simple and easy , in my opinion. 

Chukki rangoli simple in few steps 


Connecting the birds to a flower pattern at the centre , gives a merry-go-round effect and it appears as if all the birds are flying with the merry go round spinning.  The birds without legs but with round base have the appearance of a Thanjavur thalaiyatti bommai image.


Rangolisansdots - it is , so there should be some free hand rangoli also or rather more designs should be free hand.  This is a simple birds rangoli drawn without dots that can be used as a daily rangoli.

The images below should be of help if you have doubts and that is highly unlikely because it is a simple design.

Birds patterns without chukki rangoli 

Black and white rangoli designs are most common in our daily use of rangoli and they are beautiful in their own way when compared to colourful designs.  Colourful rangoli are meant for festivals like Diwali and New Year while white rangoli designs  ( I have used the term black and white rangoli designs because I invariably draw them on a black granite slab that I purchased and am using for making kolam designs for Rangolisansdots )  Of course, I also share some of the daily rangoli designs I draw at the entrance of my home in the morning in various posts .  

I have a granite slab ( which is quite heavy and difficult to move .  I chose a slab with a thickness of 10 to 12mm , I do not know the exact thickness to ensure that it is strong but it is quite heavy and this is a problem.  You can not have everything !  You have to compromise some where) reserved for my rangoli designs in my blog  on which I draw these designs hence the black background.  Actually  I purchased it from a shop nearby that sells these granite slab and it so happened on the day I went to purchase a slab with this colour was readily available in the size I asked for .  Other colours like dark brown etc were not available readily so I settled for this colour.

 So it is only incidental that I got this slab and I was not specific .  So the beautiful effects that we get due to the contrast are also incidental only and I never thought of them when I went for this slab.