Rangoli - 2 lines kolam
Double stroke or parallel line kolam are a beautiful variety of kolm ( kolam itself means beauty ) that can be tried for a different type of New Year kolam
The rangoli below the first in this series of parallel lines has a design with many curved arms terminating in simple motifs.
The circumference of the rangoli has simple designs that represent birds!. Drawing birds can be made so simple.
Since this post is devoted only for plain rangolis colours have not been used on any of the designs.
These double like kolam designs either with white lines and colours filled inside or drawn with colour kolapodi can be drawn for occasions like weddings,
festivals like Navratri, Diwali or Varlakshmi Vratham.
The second design is also one that I will use quite often in the early stages of Rangoli-sans-dots. It has a floral design evolved from a central pattern expanded with petals.
The design is completed with semicircular petals decorated with spiral designs along the periphery. Finally the inside of the rangoli is filled with some patterns to get the image below
Drawing rangoli with parallel lines needs practice.
Once we become comfortable designs can be completed quickly and only the gaps between the lines have to be filled with colours to make a beautiful rangoli.
Awesome rangoli designs with unique technique
Double line or stroke kolam can be drawn for Pongal kolam or Sankranti muggulu.Simple colourful double line kolam with simple designs for Navratri or Dasara kolu
It is a good idea to draw colourful parallel line or double stroke kolam for decoration of Navratri golu or kolu as we say in Tamil. Some simple designs are shown below.
The first rangoli in this series is again with parallel lines, draw the three intersecting lines to get six arms. Decorate the end of each arm with a double line floral petal. From there expand the rangoli according to your imagination and creativity.
I have tried some patterns with curved lines terminating in four petals on the four sides. Fill the rangoli with colourful single lines to get the rangoli in the image. These kolam designs can be useful for those looking for colourful double line kolam for Margazhi and Sankranthi.
Try for Diwali special rangoli
Rangoli design with parallel lines in the image on the top . As it is obvious from the photo draw the central designs with two parallel lines expanded the rangoli design further and further, as far as your imagination and space can permit you!.
or for Dhanteras special rangoli
Now for some more simple rangoli designs and how to draw some of them. The one above has four parallelogram like designs and edges are decorated with diyas and other motifs. The gaps between are filled with designs of our choice. Colours are drawn parallel to the basic design in white to get the image below. A simple but beautiful design. The entire rangoli has been drawn with parallel lines
I have tried some patterns with curved lines terminating in four petals on the four sides. Fill the rangoli with colourful single lines to get the rangoli in the image. These kolam designs can be useful for those looking for colourful double line kolam for Margazhi and Sankranthi.
Try for Diwali special rangoli
Rangoli design with parallel lines in the image on the top . As it is obvious from the photo draw the central designs with two parallel lines expanded the rangoli design further and further, as far as your imagination and space can permit you!.
or for Dhanteras special rangoli
The next design is a free hand kolam and drawn with parallel lines . It has a rhombus like pattern drawn at the centre. From the four edges we have four petals and between any two petals another floral petal pattern.
The entire kolam is surrounded by a simple kolam border with many small circular patterns and four spiral patterns as shown. Just two colours brown and blue are used in this kolam.
Another double stroke Pongal kolam / rangoli
Basic two line kolam designs
The two designs shown below are with parallel lines - one with a triangle at the centre surrounded by circular patterns and a double line border. A free hand rangoli that can be drawn where there is restriction in space . It can also be drawn in a short time.
The next kolam one in the photo above, is also with double lines drawn with parallel and perpendicular lines. Petals are drawn at the edges of the lines. Also they are added on the centre of the lines. The kolam on the right is one of the most common kolam designs we can see.
The first one is one of my favourites as will be evident from various rangoli designs drawn by me. It is a floral pattern drawn with double line with eight petals so that the rangoli can develop further between the petals and above them as well.
Common designs at the centre for double stroke kolam
It is also possible to draw rangoli with dots using parallel lines, as shown in the image below. Only connecting the dots with parallel lines needs some practice. The design below is a floral and butterfly design. Since all rangoli here are plain and white, the white rangoli stage is added here.
After some double line or two line kolam without dots - this is a rangoli with 13 to 1 dot pattern. Draw the patterns at the centre. On four sides add four petal floral designs. The gaps are filled with butterfly-like patterns!. Add the antennae free hand. An easy way of drawing butterflies.
Continuing with some more parallel line motif at the centre - we can draw curved lines intersecting at a point.
A star shaped pattern formed with two inverted patterns is also one of the most popular designs for the centre of a rangoli. After drawing the star shape we can develop the rangoli around it, at the intersecting points or we can draw patterns on the each edge to get some simple designs
After some double line or two line kolam without dots - this is a rangoli with 13 to 1 dot pattern. Draw the patterns at the centre. On four sides add four petal floral designs. The gaps are filled with butterfly-like patterns!. Add the antennae free hand. An easy way of drawing butterflies.
All rangolis in this post have been drawn with two parallel lines. The trick is to form a pattern or design according to our imagination and expand by decorating it. The final size is the height of imagination one can achieve.
The next rangoli above is a plain but beautiful floral design. Beauty of a rangoli not only in the designs drawn or the colours filled but mainly in the symmetry achieved. I have tried to see that the above design is as symmetrical as humanly possible or as symmetrical I can draw.The central flower has been drawn with parallel lines ( this post is with parallel lines only so far). Another floral border is drawn around it. From each petal a motifs with jewel like and leaves like patterns are drawn to complete the rangoli. ( Of course, we can expand it further and further!). This design with colours can be found elsewhere in Rangolisansdots There is an advantage in drawing parallel line rangolis because it is easier to apply colours when we compare the effort taken for single line version where we have to fill up.
The next rangoli above is a plain but beautiful floral design. Beauty of a rangoli not only in the designs drawn or the colours filled but mainly in the symmetry achieved. I have tried to see that the above design is as symmetrical as humanly possible or as symmetrical I can draw.The central flower has been drawn with parallel lines ( this post is with parallel lines only so far). Another floral border is drawn around it. From each petal a motifs with jewel like and leaves like patterns are drawn to complete the rangoli. ( Of course, we can expand it further and further!). This design with colours can be found elsewhere in Rangolisansdots There is an advantage in drawing parallel line rangolis because it is easier to apply colours when we compare the effort taken for single line version where we have to fill up.
Rangoli can also drawn with two parallel lines of different colours. How to draw this the procedure is available in a video on my YouTube channel. It is more difficult than drawing two lines of same colour (usually we use white ) Hridaya kamalam and Sikku kolam drawn with parallel lines are in Diwali rangoli.
To have a recap - The first rangoli at the top is a chakra type design with parallel lines with floral motifs added to decorate it. If you observe carefully the design between the motifs are actually birds carrying fruit. If one can draw parallel lines with ease then it is a simple rangoli. The second one is common free hand floral design. The third and fourth designs use swastik as base with the outer designs modified in two different ways.
Different and special 2 lines kolam
Drawing with parallel lines is relatively uncommon. It is used while drawing free hand designs. How to draw parallel lines design will be explained in the future for those who may want to know. Drawing parallel lines design is that we can cover a lot of area in a very short time we can draw infinite combinations of this variety and filling the colours can be done in the gaps between the two lines and that is quite easy.
Though white kolam with parallel lines are by themselves beautiful, adding colours as shown in the kolam below makes them special and even more beautiful. Such kolam designs can be drawn for special occasions like Margazhi kolam season.
Though white kolam with parallel lines are by themselves beautiful, adding colours as shown in the kolam below makes them special and even more beautiful. Such kolam designs can be drawn for special occasions like Margazhi kolam season.
This rangoli is one of the many I have drawn and will draw with parallel lines. Some how I like drawing parallel lines rangolis. This is actually a part of a design I remember drawing in the first post. The basic floral design with eight petals is drawn with parallel lines. The rangoli is then expanded with simpled curved parallel lines as shown. Then the gaps between the lines are filled with green rangoli (powder). The area inside the floral design at the centre is filled with red lines and the gaps between the petals is filled with orange or red lines to get the design.
Such colourful kolam with double lines can be a suitable theme for Margazhi kolam the season when beautiful kolam designs are displayed at every home.

Yet another rangoli image in black and white. A parallel line design with a floral centre surrounded by motifs in parallel and single lines.

Yet another rangoli image in black and white. A parallel line design with a floral centre surrounded by motifs in parallel and single lines.
Plain (achromic) rangolis have to be uploaded not only because they are popular but also because this is the way they are drawn usually, in Tamil Nadu. We draw plain designs daily at the entrance and add colour usually for festivals and other special occasions. Also this can be used as an activity for kids. Colours can be filled to these plain designs. Of course they can be used as a guidelines and kids may fill these rangoli designs according to their imagination. As usual the method of drawing these designs are also added
This kolam is a parallel line design at the centre, a floral or star design decorated at the edges with free hand designs.
Method:- Draw the central flower with petals using double line method of drawing a design. Decorate the edges of the petals with motifs as shown. This is surrounded by a parallel line border (very simple one). The rangoli border is then added with curved lines as shown in the image. The floral pattern at the centre is also made more attractive by adding some more petal like designs
The next rangoli is a star design at the centre with parallel lines. The central rangoli is decorated with geometric patterns like triangles and then decorated with a parallel line border from inclined lines as shown. The gaps in the border are filled with parallel lines designs that look like birds. That's quite an easy way of drawing birds!
The next rangoli is a star design at the centre with parallel lines. The central rangoli is decorated with geometric patterns like triangles and then decorated with a parallel line border from inclined lines as shown. The gaps in the border are filled with parallel lines designs that look like birds. That's quite an easy way of drawing birds!
2 lines kolam design for Karthigai | Special kolam designs for Dhanurmasam
Two double line kolam I drew for Bharani and Karthigai Deepam decorated with lamps.
Also for Ugadi special rangoli designs
Navratri special rangoli designs,
Dasara special rangoli designs
The kolam drawn for Karthigai Deepam decoration with few colours added to the basic white kolam design has been shown separately below.
A simple free hand design with floral patters at the centre drawn with two parallel lines drawn simultaneously.
Big free hand kolam with double lines can be drawn for Margazhi rangoli or for Sankranthi muggulu. Another kolam of this type , for Karthigai Deepam festival decoration ( I invariably draw a lot of double line kolam for Margazhi kolam and sometimes for New Year kolam also )
There are a few double line kolam videos in Rangolisansdots - My YouTube video Channel. Many viewers have said they are finding it difficult to draw double line kolam.
I have two or three videos explaining the steps also. We should keep it simple , we should not try too hard but should be relaxed when we try, we should be able to get it.
This is applicable for learning anything , when we are relaxed things fall in place easily.
There are a few double line kolam videos in Rangolisansdots - My YouTube video Channel. Many viewers have said they are finding it difficult to draw double line kolam.
I have two or three videos explaining the steps also. We should keep it simple , we should not try too hard but should be relaxed when we try, we should be able to get it.
This is applicable for learning anything , when we are relaxed things fall in place easily.
Floral patterns in double line Sankranti kolam designs
The rangoli is a beautiful(!) and attractive design, filled with colours. As usual draw the floral pattern at the centre and the flower on the border with double lines. At the edge of each petal of the flower add the leaf-like and jewel-like patterns.
Fill the rangoli with colours (the whole rangoli is not filled when drawn with parallel lines) to get the final design. The eight arms have floral petals along the side but I feel vaguely resemble the tentacles of an octopus!
The next rangoli in this series of simple designs is also with two lines however I digress from the circular or near circular patterns to draw something different. It has a floral design at the centre surrounded by simple motifs or patterns. Colourful lines are added to enhance the image of the design.
The rangoli above are simple designs of rangoli
I frequently draw double line kolam at the entrance. One of the kolam drawn on a Friday in the image .
The kolam is drawn with double stroke the two layers of borders have also been formed with double stroke patterns.
he next kolam I drew on a Wednesday at the entrance , a simple double kolam formed with straight and inclined lines . While it is easy to draw parallel lines ( simultaneously ) from left to right , it is not easy to draw from right to left.
Similarly drawing them as inclined lines from top to bottom or bottom to top with as close to perfect as possible , it comes with practice. I have a video of the kolam in my Channel Rangoli-sans-dots on YouTube.
The rangoli is a beautiful(!) and attractive design, filled with colours. As usual draw the floral pattern at the centre and the flower on the border with double lines. At the edge of each petal of the flower add the leaf-like and jewel-like patterns.
Fill the rangoli with colours (the whole rangoli is not filled when drawn with parallel lines) to get the final design. The eight arms have floral petals along the side but I feel vaguely resemble the tentacles of an octopus!
The next rangoli in this series of simple designs is also with two lines however I digress from the circular or near circular patterns to draw something different. It has a floral design at the centre surrounded by simple motifs or patterns. Colourful lines are added to enhance the image of the design.
The rangoli above are simple designs of rangoli
I frequently draw double line kolam at the entrance. One of the kolam drawn on a Friday in the image .
I frequently draw double line kolam at the entrance. One of the kolam drawn on a Friday in the image .
The kolam is drawn with double stroke the two layers of borders have also been formed with double stroke patterns.
he next kolam I drew on a Wednesday at the entrance , a simple double kolam formed with straight and inclined lines . While it is easy to draw parallel lines ( simultaneously ) from left to right , it is not easy to draw from right to left.
Similarly drawing them as inclined lines from top to bottom or bottom to top with as close to perfect as possible , it comes with practice. I have a video of the kolam in my Channel Rangoli-sans-dots on YouTube.